Sabio Holdings Inc. announced it has entered into an engagement with McDonald's USA, through a partnership with Publicis Groupe. The relationship strengthens McDonald's commitment to diverse communities, and specifically with diverse-owned media partners, by leveraging Sabio's unique non cookie-based data sets and solutions so the brand can effectively connect with and reach the growing U.S. multicultural audience. McDonald's ongoing mission is to foster an inclusive environment, where diversity is embraced.

A key audience, Gen Z, is the most ethnically diverse generation to date. U.S. Census data suggests that as of 2019, 49.1% of Generation Z is diverse and growing, with 13.8% Black, 25.0% Hispanic, and 5.3% Asian. 29% of Gen Z are children of immigrants or immigrants themselves, compared to 23% of Millennials when they were at the same age.

McDonald's will have access to Sabio's CTV/OTT inventory and customized audience segments at advantageous rates. The company can also utilize App Science's?? (a wholly owned division of Sabio) proprietary 55MM HH graph data, which provides insights and access to Quarterly Trends reports, first-looks at published vertical and multicultural reports and exclusive analyses customized toward McDonald's campaigns and properties.

As CTV continues to grow and attract attention from advertisers and brands, the biggest gap lies within the diverse audience data sets. Fragmentation from evolving platforms and growing audiences, and legacy audience measurements that are not representative of diversity, have increasingly made it difficult for the industry to connect brands and the right audiences. Sabio's comprehensive set of solutions tailored to CTV environments allow advertisers to move beyond traditional age and gender demographics, to a far deeper understanding of the evolving consumers' preferences in app affinities and content they're watching at the household level.