30-08-1 7 ; 1 0 : 08 ; F r om : R y d g e E v a n s L a w y e r s To : 1 3001 356 38 ; 0291 94 4777 # 1 I 3

Pacific Point Partners Limited

Company Number 301266

Cf- CST Tax Advisors,# 14-02 .SO Rob'1nson Road, Singapore 068899

30 August 2017

The M:;,nager

Market Announcements Office ASX Limited

BY FAX: 1300 135 638

Dear Sir/Madam,

Contango Asset Mana901m,:,nt Limited {ACN 080 277 998 - Notice of Change of

Interests of Substantial Holder {Form 604)

Please find attached a l"orm 604 in relation to shares in Contango Asset Management Limited {ACN 085 487 421) lodged on behalf of Pacific Point Partners Limited (Company Number 301 266) & related entitles In accordance with section 671B of the Corporations Act 2001.

Kind regards

John Marcarlan Director

30-08-1 7 ; 1 0 : 08 ; F r om : R y d g e E v a n s L a w y e r s To : 1 3001 356 38 ; 0291 94 4777

604 pa90 112 15 Ji.rly 2001

Form 604

corporations Act 2001 Section 671B

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder'

!!i2 compc1ny Name/Scheme Contango Asset Management Limited (Company)

ACN/ARSN 080 277 998

1,Dr:n.alls of subt3ntl:'.11 holder (1)

Nam• Pacific Point Partners Limited (Pacific Point), Mr Robert Rankin (RR) Md

each of the other entities listed in section 4 balow (Other entities)

# 2/ 3

ACN/ARSN (If appllcablo)

Tham was a change ln the lnterets or thG

!1.Ubs.lanl Iholder on

The previous noUco w::i!i glvon to the i::ornpany on The previous notice wa;;; dated

  1. Previous .i,nCI prosent voting power




    The total number or votos attached to Sii lhe voling share In lha rompany or voting lnteress In the scheme that th ublc1ntlal haldt or an associate (2) had .a rolovant Interest (3) In when lasl mquitad, and when !'QW reqvlred, 10 give a substanUal holding nolico to 1he comp,;1ny Qr hemo, re :; ronowi.: '

    Class of se,:;:1,1ri11es (4)

    PrevlouG notloo

    ?resent notice

    PE!r'$On's vote!;!.

    Voting power {5}

    Person's votl;!a

    1votlng power (S)

    Ordinary St'l:iros.





  2. Changos In rolcv.tnt lntornts

Part!culars of oach change: In, or change Inlhe natuta of, a related [ntoros.t or th :.ubala!'l(il;II hO!der or an a.ssoelate In 'l,IOins

$Gcurltles of lhe company Ot scheme, since lhe substantlal holder w:as I.as.I required to glvo a subsli;in11al holdJr,g notice lo the

company or scheme are ns 1om;iw$:

oate or ehenge

Peraon wno:.e talevant lntere c:l'langcd

N lUtO or change (6)

Conslderauon given ln relation to ch••o• (7)

Cls:..:Jnd nvrriber or



Person'$ votes



Pacific Point, RA and thB Other Enlllle

Plac:emcint of


1,:308,889 ORD


4, Pro:sent n,1v1;1nt lntorosts

ParUculars of each relevant Interest of the svbstnUal holder involing securities after the ehal'lg ;;afe as follow;

Holdar of relevant inlE!'r'est

Ra91,1ered holder or securltlb:'i

Parson entitled to bo rGgismd as holder (a)

Nature of


lnklrost t6

Class and numbet of se1;1,1riUe

Person's votes

P1;1clt!c Point

Pac::mc Point

Pc:ilio POint

Registered no!dc,r of lhB sharea

6,C13,282 0RD




Pacific Point

Fu controls Pac:lflc:F'i;>!nl

5,613,8:;: ORO


Ar;e Trode 2 Ltd, CS Tn.J!:ilee. Ltd and CST Fid1,1ciarles Ltd

(Other Entitles)

Pacific Point

Pacific Point

Relevant Interest in shates held dlrectly by Pacili( Point 1,mder 0808(1 )(b) & (c)

or (2) ortho

CorDatatlons Act

5,813.282 ORD


30-08-1 7 ; 1 0 : 08 ; F r om : R y d g e E v a n s L a w y e r s To : 1 3001 356 38 ; 0291 94 4777 # 3/ 3

M4 poge :V 15Joly 2001

s. Ct'rarige In 11ssociatlon

Tne pe;rsons who have become associates (2) of, cea:10d to be a.saoclatea or. or have changed the nature or their as.ocla.tlon

(9) with, !he substantial holder in relation to voting lntorct rn tho company or scheme are SS follows.:

Name Zlnd AGN/ARSN (If appt!cable Nalure or association

  1. Addr'eSSe:a

    The addroSSjlS of pet.sorts named In this form are as follows·

    Ntiml:! Address

    Pacific Point, RR and the Other cJ., CST Tax Advisors, #14·02 • so Robinson Road.

    Entitles Singapore 068899


    prlnt name


    1. If there ore a number of subsc1.ntl Iho1der.9 with ::iimilar or r'alated tl;!lev.Eint lntere$15 (cg. corpOtiltion and its related corpor Uons, or lh1;1 manager i;u1Q trv:;too or an equity 1n,.11iil}, lhe nmes coutd co !ncludad In an annexure to tne rorm. If the relevant Interests or a gtoup or peons are e!.tSonUany similar. they may be referred to thro1.19hcul the form as. a spociJically named group If the membe:t5hlp of each group, wllh lhe ntiMM tind .E1.ddre1;1ees or members Icloarly set oul

      in pagrapn 6 or tno ro@.

    2. See the d!Hlnltion of assocl.ale* In section g of th!! Corpomtlons Act 2001.

    3. See 1he definition or wrerev.ant lnere1·(n sections 608 and 6718(7) Qf the Co1porations Act 2001,

    4. {4) Tho voling shares of c:omp.!lny c:onslltue one d11 unless dividBd Into i;;epat1;1te classe.

      (S) l'le person's voles divided by tho total 1101aa iii the body col'):lorato or schema rnulliptied by 1oo.

      (6} lnclui;te delalls or:

      {:) :tl'IY r'elevi;lnt greomonl ot other c:lr"Cumetances becauso or which ttie chnae In relevant lntrost occurred, If subsecllon 0718(4) applle a copy or ant doc:;:uml;!nt !;iellng out mo tal'l'l'l:!i of any relev:;int aareement, and a statement by the peron giving full :and accurate dcil.ills of any contracl, schoma ot arrangement, must accomp;;my lhiS fOrrn, together With a written statement certifying this contract. scheme or arr.ingoManr: and

      (b) any qu.11!flcat1011 of the power of i:I P(!t1;1,on to exerc:.lsg, contml the exercise of, or lnnuence the exetclae of, the voting powerS ot disposal of tho :'icicurllias to which the re!evnt lnlatast relates (lnd!ting Cli;iatly tha rtic:;:1,1lar securities 10 whiqoall!ootlon opplleo).

      SeAct 2001.

      1. Deitails of the conslde tlon must Include :a.ny :;,.rid .111 bonaflts. money 1;1nd Qnct, thi:lt any person from wllon,. ,:JI rolovant lnleresl w.as .)t:;q!Jited ha1;1:, or may, becomo entitled tQ receive In rel"'tron to that acqu!!iltlon. Details must llil Included oven If the benc:fit Is C:Qndltlonal on the happening ot not Of a contingency. Del3its must be included of any benefil paid on b1:1h.alf (If tile substantl3l holdtit ot Its asclate In relation to tho aci:iulslllons, c:von if U,Qy atl;I: not pa1r;1 dlrecUy to tho peon (rom whom the relevant Interest lrclS acquired,

      2. If tho substantJal holder Is unablo to determine the ldenUy of the p!!tsan (eg, If the relevant lnlorn:M atll!iS!;I beoause of an option) write unknownn_

      (g) Ive doians, Jr approi;iriate, of tho present asclaUon and any change In th:it :::isocl;1llon $:lnco thQ tai;t 51,.1bstnnt101 holding noUce.

    Contango Asset Management Limited published this content on 30 August 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
    Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 30 August 2017 01:02:05 UTC.

    Original documenthttp://contango.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/30082017-cga-change-in-substantial-holding.pdf

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