Earlier Friday, local outlet El Financiero had reported the deadline was moved to September, citing an interview with the director of the Mexico City International Airport.

A ministry spokesperson could not confirm when the new deadline would be, but told Reuters an updated decree would be published in coming weeks, ahead of the original deadline.

Buttigieg had asked Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador for more time to make the switch to the Felipe Angeles airport on behalf of worried U.S. airlines as the July deadline loomed, airport director Carlos Velazquez told El Financiero.

However, a number of foreign carriers, some from the U.S. and others not, will fall under the extension, the ministry spokesperson said.

"The switch requires international permits and certifications," the spokesperson said, explaining why some carriers had been unable to make the move in the original timeframe.

Buttigieg's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Lopez Obrador had pushed for the move to Felipe Angeles - an airport opened in 2022 at his behest - to relieve overcrowding at the Mexico City International Airport.

Flight data shows cargo flights represent a small percentage of trips at the main airport.

Lopez Obrador said earlier this month the flight move was a sticking point between Mexico and the U.S., though he hinted an extension could be possible.

He added "differences" of opinion remained on Mexico's recovery of a U.S.-given air safety rating.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) downgraded Mexico to the Category 2 air safety rating more than two years ago, citing safety concerns, which restricted Mexican airlines' ability to open new routes to the U.S.

A result from what Mexican officials have called the FAA's "last" audit of the country is expected in coming weeks.

(Reporting by Kylie Madry; Additional reporting by David Shepardson; editing by Cassandra Garrison and Jonathan Oatis)

By Kylie Madry