Betolar has received important approvals for a patent that involves using waste for electricity storage. This patent is now extended to the European and Indian markets. With the rise of renewable energy, it has become a challenge to balance the supply and demand of electricity generation.

This requires new ways to store electrical energy, especially during short-term peaks. Betolar has developed a method and obtained a patent for storing electrical energy, which can utilize significant amounts of waste-based materials. In Europe, the patent has been validated in the Member States covered by the unitary patent system, as well as in Spain and Norway.

The patent has already been approved in Finland. In addition to Europe, the patent has also been granted in India. It is a broader basic patent, on top of which it is possible to build protective patents.

The company's normal product development process generates innovations that, at best, lead to new value-added, patentable solutions. Betolar has been granted patents for five inventions. In addition, eight inventions are in the process of patent approval.

In line with Betolar's IPR strategy, the primary role of patents is to safeguard the business of Betolar and its customers based on material technology solutions. Therefore, the patent portfolio is expected to be a significant component of the company's valuation in the long term. The patent on electric voltage is not expected to have a direct impact on Betolar's business performance in the short-term.