ةيرهوجلا تامولعلما نع حاصفلإا جذومن Disclosure of Material Information Form


Name of the Listed Company

ةجردلما ةكرشلا مسا


03 Mar 2024

Boursa Kuwait Securities Company (K.P.S.C.)

ةماع ).ك.م.ش( ةيلالما قارولأل تيوكلا ةصروب ةكرش

2024 سرام 03

Material Information

ةيرهوجلا ةمولعلما

Boursa Kuwait Securities Company's Board of Directors is pleased to invite shareholders to attend the Annual Ordinary General Meeting scheduled to be held on March 28, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at Kharafi Auditorium located at Boursa Kuwait Building, Mubarak Al Kabeer Street, Sharq. Participating shareholders shall be able to attend and vote on the below agenda items either via their physical presence or via electronic means as stipulated in the Kuwait Clearing Company's policies and procedures manual related to holding general assemblies that is approved by the Capital Markets Authority.

The Board of Directors would also like to draw our shareholders' attention to the below timeline:

AGM Timeline




Share Ownership date


11 March 2024

Right to attend the AGM


14 March 2024

AGM date


28 March 2024

Shareholders or their proxy, physically attending the AGM are kindly requested to visit Boursa Kuwait's representative at Kuwait Clearing Company (KCC) located at the 5th floor of Ahmad Tower during the KCC working hours to receive the invitation cards.

Shareholders attending the AGM via electronic means are kindly requested to visit Kuwait Clearing Company's website (www.maqasa.com( and register in the General Assembly's electronic system dedicated for general assemblies in preparation for participation in the upcoming AGM and to vote electronically on the items listed in the agenda.

The Participation period shall start from the date of the Right to attend the AGM (March 14, 2024) until 8:00 a.m. on the day of the AGM date or on any later date, if postponed. March 14 and 17, 2024 will only be dedicated to receiving shareholders' inquiries regarding matters to be discussed during the AGM and shall be conducted in accordance with the policies and procedures manual relating to holding of general assemblies through electronic means of communication published on the KCC's website.

ةداسلا ةوعد ةيلالما قارولأل تيوكلا ةصروب ةكرش ةرادإ سلجم رسي ،ةيونسلا ةيداعلا ةماعلا ةيعمجلا عامتجا روضحل ماركلا نيمهاسلما قفاولما سيمخلا موي رهظ ةدحاولا ةعاسلا مامت يف هداقعنا ررقلماو دلاخ ةعاق - تيوكلا ةصروب ىنبمب نئاكلا ةكرشلا رقمب ،2024/03/28 روضحلا نوكي نأ ىلع ،قرشلا ةقطنمب ريبكلا كرابم عراش - يفارخلا

ليلد قفو ةينورتكللاا ةكراشلما ربع وأ ً امإ نيمهاسملل تيوصتلاو ايروضح

ةينورتكللاا ةمظنلأا للاخ نم ةماعلا تايعمجلل تاءارجلإاو تاسايسلا

.لالما قاوسأ ةئيه نم دمتعلماو ةصاقلما ةلاكو نع ةرداصلا

قح خيرات ىلإ نيمهاسلما ةداسلا ةيانع يعرتسي نأ ةرادلإا سلجم دوي امك :يتلآا ينمزلا لودجلا قفو يرجيس يذلاو روضحلا

)ةماعلا ةيعمجلا روضح قح( ينمزلا لودجلا




2024 سرام 11


مهسلا ةزايح خيرات

2024 سرام 14


روضحلا قح خيرات

2024 سرام 28


ةماعلا ةيعمجلا داقعنا موي

مهل قحي نمم رشابلما روضحلا يف نيبغارلا نيمهاسلما ةداسلا نم ىجري رقم يف ةصروبلا لثمم ةعجارم روضحلا يف نيبغارلا مهيلكوم وأ روضحلا دمحأ جرب - سماخلا رودلا قرش ةقطنمب ةصاقملل ةيتيوكلا ةكرشلا

.ةيمسرلا لمعلا تاعاس ءانثأ كلذو ،ةوعدلا تاقاطب ملاتسلا

ينورتكللاا ماظنلا ربع ةكراشلماب نيبغارلا نيمهاـسلما ةداـسلا نـم ىـجري امك ةـصاقملل ةـيتيوكلا ةكرـشلل ينورتكللإا عـقولما ةـعجارم يـف ليجـستلا تاءارـجإ ذاـختا لـجأ نـم كلذو )www.maqasa.com(


تيوصتلاو ةكراشلماب مايقلل ادـيهمت ةـماعلا تاـيعمجلل ينورتكللإا ماـظنلا

ً ل

أدبت فوس ةكراشلما ةحاتإ نأب املع ،لامعلأا ودج دونبل ينورتكللإا

)2024/03/14( ةيداعلا ةماعلا ةيعمجلا روضح قح خـي ات نـم اًابتعا

ر ر

،هـيلإ لـجؤي دـعوم يأ وأ ةـيعمجلا داـقعنا موـي حاـبص ةـنماثلا ةعاـسلا ىـتحو تاراسفتسا يقلتل 2024/03/17 ىلإ 14 نم ةرتفلا صـصخي نأ ىـلع


تاـسايسلا لـيلدل اقفو كلذو ،عامتجلاا دونبب قلعتي اميف نيمهاسلما ةمظنلأا للاـخ نـم ةـماعلا تاـيعمجلا دـقعب قـلعتلما تاءارجلإاو

.ةصاقملل ةـيتيوكلا ةكرـشلل ينورتكللإا عـقولما ىـلع روـشنلماو ،ةينورتكللإا

In the event of absence of the legal quorum specified for holding the

ةماعلا ةيعمجلا عامتجا دقع ررقلما ينوناقلا باصنلا رفوت مدع لاح يفو

Ordinary General Assembly, a proposed second meeting shall be held

،لامعلأا لودج تاذلو ناكلما تاذ يف ناث عامتجا دقعي فوس ةيداعلا

at the same venue and with the same agenda at 1:00 p.m. on


قفاولما ءاعبرلأا موي رهظ دعب ةدحاولا ةعاسلا مامت يف كلذو

Wednesday, April 3, 2024.

This invitation is also valid for the proposed second meeting should it

.ريخلأا عامتجلاا اذه ىلع ةيراس ةوعدلا هذه ربتعتو ،2024/04/03


Significant Effect of the material information on the financial

ةكرشلل يلالما زكرلما ىلع ةيرهوجلا ةمولعلما رثأ

position of the company

No Significant Effect of the material information on the financial

.ةكرشلل يلالما زكرلما ىلع ةيرهوجلا ةمولعملل رثأ دجوي لا

position of the company.

Attached is the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting's agenda for the fiscal year

ةنسلا نع تيوكلا ةصروبل ةيداعلا ةماعلا ةيعمجلا عامتجا لامعأ لودج هيط قفرم

ended 31 December 2023.

.2023 ربمسيد 31 يف امك ةيهتنلما ةيلالما

Ordinary General Assembly Meeting Agenda

تيوكلا ةصروبل ةيداعلا ةماعلا ةيعمجلا عامتجا لامعا لودج

For the Fiscal Year Ended 31 December 2023

2023ربمسيد 31 يف امك ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلا نع


Discuss and approve the Board of Directors' Annual Report for the financial

2023 ربمسيد 31 يف ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلا نع يونسلا ةرادلإا سلجم ريرقت ةشقانم


year ended December 31, 2023.

.هيلع ةقداصلماو


Discuss and approve the Independent Auditor's Report for the financial year

2023 ربمسيد 31 يف ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلا نع تاباسحلا بقارم ريرقت ةشقانم


ended December 31, 2023.

.هيلع ةقداصلماو


Discuss and approve the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the

2023 ربمسيد 31 يف ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلل ةققدلما ةعمجلما ةيلالما تانايبلا ةشقانم


financial year ended December 31, 2023.

.اهيلع ةقداصلماو

Discuss and approve the Board of Director's proposal to distribute cash


dividends of 74% of the paid-up capital constituting 74 fils per share for a

لكل اسلف 74 عقاوب ،عوفدلما لالما سأر نم %74 ةبسنب ةيدقن حابرأ عيزوت ةشقانم

total amount of KD 14,857,406 (Fourteen Million Eight Hundred Fifty-Seven



يلامجإ غلبمب مهس

ةئامنامثو انويلم رشع ةعبرأ( يتيوك رانيد 14,857,406





Thousand Four Hundred Six Kuwaiti Dinars Only) to the shareholders

هذه قحتست نأ ىلع ،)ريغ لا طقف ايتيوك ارانيد ةتسو ةئامعبرأو افلأ نوسمخو ةعبسو


registered in the Company's records at the end of the record date scheduled

خيرات هل ددحلما قاقحتسلاا موي ةياهن يف ةكرشلا تلاجس يف نيديقلما نيمهاسملل حابرلأا

on April 21, 2024. The dividends shall be distributed to the shareholders on

ةكرشلا ضيوفت عم 2024/04/24 خيراتب نيمهاسلما ىلع اهعيزوت متيو 2024/04/21

April 24, 2024. The Company to be authorized to amend the corporate

.مهسلأا تاقاقحتسلا ينمزلا لودجلا ليدعت يف

actions schedule.

Approve the Board of Directors' proposal to deduct 10% for the Company's

حابرأ نم %10 ةبسنب يرابجإ يطايتحا عاطقتساب ةرادلإا سلجم حارتقا ىلع ةقفاولما

statutory reserve from the profits for the financial year ended December 31,




2023 in accordance with the provisions of Article (222) of the Company Law

نوناق نم )222( ةدالما مكحب لامع كلذو 2023 ربمسيد 31 يف ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلا

.ةكرشلل ي ساسلأا ماظنلا نم )78( ةدالماو 2016 ةنسل )1( مقر تاكرشلا

No. )1( of 2016 and Article )78( of the Company's Articles of Association.

Approve the Board of Directors' proposal to deduct 10% for the Company's

voluntary reserve from the profits for the financial year ended December 31,

حابرأ نم %10 ةبسنب يرايتخا يطايتحا عاطقتساب ةرادلإا سلجم حارتقا ىلع ةقفاولما


2023 and the voluntary reserve shall be allocated in efforts to meet any

يأ ةلباقلم يرايتخلاا يطايتحلااًصصخيو ،2023 ربمسيد 31 يف ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلا


future obligations or dividend distributions by the Company, in accordance

نوناق نم )225( ةدالما مكحب لامع ةكرشلا ىلع ةيلبقتسم حابرأ تاعيزوت وأ تامازتلا

with the provisions of Article (225) of the Company Law No. (1) of 2016 and

.ةكرشلل ي ساسلأا ماظنلا نم )81( ةدالماو 2016 ةنسل )1( مقر تاكرشلا

Article )81( of the Company's Articles of Association.


Recite the Corporate Governance Report and the Audit Committee Report

.2023 ربمسيد 31 يف ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلل قيقدتلا ةنجل ريرقتو ةمكوحلا ريرقت ةولات


for the financial year ended December 31, 2023.

Discuss and approve the Board of Directors' recommendation to pay a total

176,000 عقاوب ةرادلإا سلجم ءاضعلأ ةأفاكم فرصب ةرادلإا سلجم ةيصوت ةشقانم

remuneration to its members in the amount of KD 176,000 (One Hundred




نوعبسو ةتسو ةئام( .ك.د


Seventy Six Thousand Kuwaiti Dinars Only) for the financial year ended

يف ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلا نع )ريغ لا طقف ايتيوك ارانيد فلأ

.2023 ربمسيد 31

December 31, 2023.

Recite the Violations and Penalties Report registered by the regulators and

اهنأشب تعقوأو ةيباقرلا تاهجلا اهتدصر يتلا تاءازجلاو تافلاخلما ريرقت ضارعتسا


for which the Company was penalized for the financial year ended

تاظحلام ةشقانمو 2023 ربمسيد 31 يف ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلل ةكرشلا ىلع تاءازج


December 31, 2023.

.هروضح لاح يف ةيباقرلا ةهجلا لثمم

Discuss and approve the Related Parties' Transactions Report conducted

تلاماعلماب ضيوفتلا وأ 2023 ماعلل ةيلالما ةنسلا للاخ تمت يتلا تلاماعتلا ضارعتسا



during the financial year ended December 31, 2023 and the proposed



.هيلع ةقداصلماو ،ةلص تاذ فارطأ عم 2024 ماعلل ةيلالما ةنسلا يف متت فوس يتلا

related parties' transactions for the financial year ending December 31,2024.

Authorize the Board of Directors to buy or sell treasury shares not exceeding

نم %10 زواجتي لا امب ةكرشلا مهسأ عيب وأ ءارشب ةرادلإا سلجم ضيوفت ىلع ةقفاولما



10% of the total number of the Company's shares in accordance with the

ةيذيفنتلا هتحئلاو 2010 ةنسل 7

مقر نوناقلا داولم


كلذو اهمهسأ ددع



Law No. 7 of 2010 and its Executive Bylaws and their amendments.




Discuss the Board of Directors' authority to grant donations up to KD 75,000

ةسمخ( ك.د 75,000 ى صقأ دحب تاعربت حنمب ةرادلإا

سلجم ضيوفت ةشقانم





(Seventy Five Thousand Kuwaiti Dinars).

.)ايتيوك ارانيد فلأ نوعبسو

Ordinary General Assembly Meeting Agenda

تيوكلا ةصروبل ةيداعلا ةماعلا ةيعمجلا عامتجا لامعا لودج

For the Fiscal Year Ended 31 December 2023

2023ربمسيد 31 يف امك ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلا نع

Discuss the discharge and release of the members of the Board of Directors

قلعتي ام لك نع مهتمذ ءاربإو ةرادلإا سلجم ءاضعأ ةداسلا فرط ءلاخإ ةشقانم



from all matters related to their legal, financial and administrative actions



.2023 ربمسيد 31 يف ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلا نع ةيرادلإاو ةيلالماو ةينوناقلا مهتافرصتب

during the financial year ended December 31, 2023.

Appoint an auditor for the financial year ending December 31, 2024, from

نمض نم كلذو ،2024 ربمسيد 31 يف ةيهتنلما ةيلالما ةنسلل تاباسحلا بقارم نييعت

the list of auditors approved by the Capital Markets Authority, consider the



ةدم ةاعارم عم لالما قاوسأ ةئيه ىدل تاباسحلا يبقارم ءامسأب ةدمتعلما ةمئاقلا



duration of their appointment and to authorize the Board of Directors to

.هباعتأ ديدحت يف ةرادلإا سلجم ضيوفتو نييعتلا

determine their fees.

Application Form for the Announcement of a

ﺔﻣﺎﻌﻟا ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا تﺎﻣﻮﻠﻌﻣ ﻦﻋ نﻼﻋﻹا جذﻮﻤﻧ

General Assembly Meeting





Name of the Listed Company

Boursa Kuwait Securities

ﺔﻴﻟﺎﳌا قاروﻸﻟ ﺖ�ﻮ�ﻟا ﺔﺻرﻮﺑ ﺔﻛﺮﺷ

ﺔﺟرﺪﳌا ﺔﻛﺮﺸﻟا ﻢﺳا

Company (K.P.S.C)

ﺔﻣﺎﻋ (.ك.م.ش)

Type of assembly



ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا عﻮﻧ



Date of the general assembly



ﺔﻣﺎﻌﻟا ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا ﺦ�رﺎﺗ

Final date for purchasing the

ﺔﻛﺮﺸﻟا ﻢهﺳأ ءاﺮﺸﻟ ﻲئﺎ��ﻟا ﺦ�رﺎﺘﻟا

company's shares to be registered



ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا رﻮﻀﺣ ﻖﺣ ﻞج� �� ﺪﻴﻘﻠﻟ

in the registry of the right to attend

* ﺔﻣﺎﻌﻟا

the general assembly*

Date of the share ownership to



ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا رﻮﻀح� ﻢهﺴﻟا ةزﺎﻴﺣ ﺦ�رﺎﺗ

attend the assembly

Date of the right to attend the



** ﺔﻣﺎﻌﻟا ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا رﻮﻀﺣ ﻖﺣ ﺦ�رﺎﺗ

general assembly**

Items of the agenda

Kindly refer to the table above.

.ﻩﻼﻋأ لوﺪج�ا ��ﻋ عﻼﻃﻹا ��ﺮﻳ

لﺎﻤﻋﻷا لوﺪﺟ دﻮﻨﺑ

Methods of participating in the


ي��خ� رﻮﻀﺣ

ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا �� ﺔﻛرﺎﺸﳌا قﺮﻃ




Company's Headquarters

ﺔﺻرﻮﺑ ى�ﺒﻤﺑ ﻦﺋﺎ�ﻟا ﺔﻛﺮﺸﻟا ﺮﻘﻤﺑ

Place of holding the general

located at Boursa Kuwait

ﺔﻣﺎﻌﻟا ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا دﺎﻘﻌ�ا نﺎ�ﻣ

ﺔﻘﻄﻨﻤﺑ ��ﺒﻜﻟا كرﺎﺒﻣ عرﺎﺷ :ﺖ�ﻮ�ﻟا


Building, Mubarak Al Kabeer


Street, Sharq.

The postponed date of the

مﺪﻋ ﺔﻟﺎﺣ �� ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ﻟ ﻞﺟﺆﳌا ﺦ�رﺎﺘﻟا

assembly in the event of a lack of



بﺎﺼﻨﻟا لﺎﻤﺘﻛا


*Third Business Day before the date of the right to attend the general assembly


ﺔ�ﻮﺴتﻟا ةروﺪﻟ ﺎﻘﻓو ﺔﻣﺎﻌﻟا ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا رﻮﻀﺣ ﻖﺣ ﺦ�رﺎﺗ ﻖﺒﺴ� يﺬﻟا ﺚﻟﺎﺜﻟا ﻞﻤﻌﻟا مﻮﻳ *

according to the current settlement cycle.


**Every shareholder registered in the company's registries on this day has the right to

�� ى�ﺣ ﺔﻣﺎﻌﻟا ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا رﻮﻀﺣ مﻮﻴﻟا اﺬه �� ﺔﻛﺮﺸﻟا تﻼج� �� ﺪﻴﻘﻣ ﻢهﺎﺴﻣ ﻞ� ﻖﺣ ﻦﻣ **

attend the general assembly, even if the share was sold before the date of the general

.ﺔﻣﺎﻌﻟا ﺔﻴﻌﻤج�ا دﺎﻘﻌ�ا ﺦ�رﺎﺗ ﻞﺒﻗ ﻢهﺴﻟا ﻊﻴﺑ ﺔﻟﺎﺣ



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Boursa Kuwait Securities Company KPSC published this content on 03 March 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 03 March 2024 05:16:02 UTC.