The board of directors of China Energine International (Holdings) Limited announced following changes in directorship with effect from November 10,2015. Mr. Li Dapeng (Mr. Li) has been appointed as Independent Non-executive Director, Remuneration Committee's member, Audit Committee's member, Nomination Committee's member as well as Development and Investment Committee's member of the company; Mr. Gordon Ng (Mr. Ng), Independent Non-executive Director, Remuneration Committee's member, Audit Committee's member and Nomination Committee's member of the company has been appointed as Remuneration Committee's Chairman of the company in addition to his current offices other than that of remuneration committee's member being replaced; Mr. Wang Dechen (Mr. Wang) has resigned as Independent Non-executive Director, Remuneration Committee's Chairman, Audit Committee's member, Nomination Committee's member as well as Development and Investment Committee's member of the company. Mr. Li has been the Chief Information Officer of Haier Financial Group, offering the perspective on technology and risk management to the Group since June 2015.

Mr. Li is appointed for tenure of three years.