engage:BDR announced shareholders with an update on the EN1's new programmatic client integrations and publishers. New Programmatic Client Integrations: EN1 recently signed five more large scale programmatic partnerships, kiip, Advangelists, PulsePoint and RhythmOne; all are expected to be strong revenue contributors for the EN1 programmatic exchange. All five integrations are now live and in test phases; significant revenue contribution is expected, as the demand and ad opportunities are very unique, non-overlapping with current EN1 business. Additional y, AdCel on-boarded one of the largest global programmatic buyers Criteo. To recap, EN1 has on-boarded 7 new programmatic integrations in first quarter 2020, exceeding the target of 5 for the quarter; total programmatic integrations are now 225. New Publishers: EN1 is on-boarding a new large-scale app publisher MocoSpace; the largest mobile gaming community in North America. MocoSpace has been a popular platform since the peak of MySpace; MocoSpace is new to the EN1 programmatic exchange. Management will update shareholders soon with regards to new NetZero publisher on-boarding activity.