Stone Gold Inc. announced that its board of directors approved the adoption of by-law No. 2-A which amends and replaces the Company's current by-law No.2. By-Law 2-A amends the quorum requirement at meeting of shareholders of the Company ("Shareholders") to holders of not less than 5% of the shares entitled to vote at the meeting being present in person or represented by proxy, from the previous quorum requirement of holders of not less than 20% of the shares entitled to vote at the meeting being present in person or represented by proxy. The Board believes that By-Law 2-A will align the Company with similar publicly listed companies regarding the quorum requirements at meetings of shareholders and gave careful consideration to the cost and difficulty of holding meetings of Shareholders with such high quorum thresholds. The Board concluded that By-Law No. 2-A will allow the Corporation to more efficiently and effectively transact business.