Creative Peripherals and Distribution Limited announced that its distribution agreement with Hyperice Inc. Creative Peripherals would be the exclusive distributor for a broad range of Hyperice's fitness, wellness & health products starting with massagers and compression devices across India. The products range would encompass percussion technology, dynamic air compression (DAC), vibration technology, thermal technology, ice compression technology (ICT) and an app. Hyperice is a niche well-established brand specializing in technology-based products for massage and muscle relaxation across the world. The brand is associated with NBA and Olympics for their product offerings, with the likes of Grand Slam Champion Naomi Osaka endorsing the brand for its benefits for athletes as well as common people alike. Its products are used worldwide not only by professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts but also people with a sedentary lifestyle; and India is a high potential growth market for such products, with increasing health awareness among the masses.