The board of directors of GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited announced the changes in the Strategic Planning Committee effective 14 June 2016: the existing Strategic Planning Committee of the company was renamed as the Strategy and Investment Committee to reflect its additional duty; and Mr. Zhu Zhanjun (the executive director and CEO of the Company) and Mr. Wong Man Chung, Francis (the independent non-executive director of the company) were appointed as additional members of the Strategy and Investment Committee. The members of the Strategy and Investment Committee then comprises four executive directors (Messrs. Zhu Gongshan, Zhu Zhanjun, Ji Jun and Yeung Man Chung, Charles) and four independent non-executive directors (Dr. Ho Chung Tai, Raymond, Mr. Yip Tai Him, Dr. Shen Wenzhong and Mr. Wong Man Chung, Francis).