Global Energy Metals Corporation provided a key update from its Nevada, USA based Treasure Box project. The 2022 prospecYng and sampling program for the Property was conducted over four days, from September 14 ­ September 17, 2022. A total of 39 samples were collected, with the focus being on target areas previously idenYfied by Earthlabs Inc., formerly GoldSpot Discoveries Corp.

using various geophysical, geological, and remote sensing data. The primary objecYves of the program were to confirm locaYons of historical mining and exploraYon, perform an iniYal assessment of the proposed lithologies and structures on the Property, and to determine target areas that warrant further exploraYon efforts. Field verificaYon and follow up based on Goldspot's target areas was the primary focus of the program.

Assay results from the program highlight the prevalence of copper mineralizaYon, with localized high-grade silver. All samples of significance occurred near the unconformity boundary between the Jurassic mafic volcanics unit and the younger, overlying rhyolite flows. Several samples collected from old prospect pits and tailings confirm values of copper and silver can be significant and occur together.

Notably, samples with higher hemaYte and copper oxides produced the highest assay results. Assay results from the program highlight the prevalence of copper mineralizaYon, with localized high-grade silver. All samples of significance occurred near the unconformity boundary between the Jurassic mafic volcanics unit and the younger, overlying rhyolite flows.

Several samples collected from old prospect pits and tailings confirm values of copper and silver can be significant and occur together. Notably, samples with higher hemaYte and copper oxides produced the highest assay results. The results of this iniYal field work at the Property are encouraging and addiYonal work is warranted.

The next phase of exploraYon work should include detailed geologic and structural mapping over the Property's extent, and systemaYc rock and soil sampling program across more focused target areas delineated during this program and results derived during geologic and structural mapping. Structures in the area appear to have general northwest-southeast to north- south trends, which have locally influenced several historical Cu-Ag-Au mineralized showings. The primary target areas idenYfied by GoldSpot focused on proposed structural boundaries and contacts.

In general, field work confirmed the existence of many of these faults and lithologic contacts. Measured Dip and Dip DirecYon of both lithologic contacts and mineralized structural trends confirm a general northwest-southeast trend for structures. The NE-SW striking structure zone intersects historical prospect pits and adits, and likely influenced mineralizaYon seen in samples TB22-014, -017, -026, and in samples TB22-027 through TB22-031.

The laGer samples (TB22-027 ­ 031) are centered around the historical Treasure Box/Boyer Mine site. It is recommended that future field work include detailed geologic mapping and accurate structural measurements of this proposed structure, with further sampling focused along the strike length of the faulYng in that area. It is recommended that future work conYnue to delineate the extent of mineralizaYon along the unconformity between the Jurassic mafics and TerYary rhyolite units.

Zones with notable oxidaYon and strong alteraYon should be carefully mapped, and the ore-fluid containing structures idenYfied. Sampling along the strike length of these structures throughout the Property would be the final phase of field exploraYon. The southern extent of the Property will need to be sampled and mapped, in order to correlate the relaYonship between mineralizaYon and the intruding HMC gabbros and diorites.

There is evidence for other mineralized zones outside the claim property boundary, parYcularly concentrated along the paleosurface between the Jmv and Tv. Most of the work conducted in the 2022 field program was focused on the historic workings and on the delineated structure-contact targets idenYfied by Goldspot. It is recommended that addiYonal mapping and prospecYng is conducted within and beyond the limits of the current claim boundary along strike of the main structure, to beGer understand the controls on mineralizaYon.

Once surface extents and detailed mapping are completed and assessed, the next phase would be to develop a drill program to test the depth of mineralizaYon at the unconformity contact, explore for mineralizaYon not exposed at surface, and develop a structural framework of the mineralized fault systems.