
(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

€׵࠰ಥൗ̅ϓͭٙϞࠢʮ̡ (Stock Code ٰ΅˾໮j1097)



2 March 2021

Dear Non-Registered Shareholders,

i-CABLE Communications Limited (the "Company")

- Notification of Publication of Circular dated 2 March 2021 in relation to (1) Connected Transaction in relation to the Proposed Issue of Unlisted Long-term Convertible Securities to Forever Top (Asia) Limited under Specific Mandate; and (2) Notice of General Meeting (the "Current Corporate Communication")

The English and Chinese versions of the Current Corporate Communication are now available on the Company's corporate website atwww.i-cablecomm.com and are also available on the HKEXnews website at www.hkexnews.hk. You may access it by clicking the link "Investor Relations" on the home page of the Company's corporate website, then selecting "Announcements" under "Investor Relations" column for the Current Corporate Communication.

If you wish to receive the printed version(s) of the Current Corporate Communication, please indicate in Part A of the Request Form on the reverse side. Upon receipt of your request, printed copy(ies) of the Current Corporate Communication will be sent to you free of charge within reasonable time.

If you prefer to receive all future Corporate Communications# in printed form or in the language version other than your existing choice, please indicate so in Part B of the Request Form on the reverse side.

The Request Form may also be downloaded from the Company's corporate website or HKEXnews website. The Request Form should be properly completed, signed and returned to the Company's share registrar (the "Share Registrar"), Tricor Tengis Limited, at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong. If you post your reply in Hong Kong, you may use the mailing label in the Request Form and need not affix a stamp on the envelope when returning your Request Form. Otherwise, please affix an appropriate stamp. You may also send an email with a scanned copy of the Request Form toi-cablecomm-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.com.

Should you have any questions in relation to this letter, please contact the Share Registrar's Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2980-1333 during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., from Mondays to Fridays, excluding public holidays).

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of

i-CABLE Communications Limited

Kwok Chi Kin

Company Secretary

# "Corporate Communications" are all documents issued or to be issued by the Company for your information or action, including but not limited to, interim/ annual reports, notices, documents or other publications of the Company (including any "corporate communication" as defined in the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited).


Ϟ ᇞ ᄱ ᎖ ஷ ৃ Ϟ ࠢ ʮ ̡€˜͉ ʮ ̡™ - Ϟᗫ (1) ܔ ᙄ ࣬ ኽ त й બ ᛆ ೯ Б ڢ ɪ ̹ ڗ ಂ ̙ ౬ ٰ ᗇ Վ ʚ ͑ ʺ€ԭ ݲϞ ࠢ ʮ ̡ ٙ ᗫ ஹ ʹ ׸iʿ (2) ٰ؇ɽึஷѓ˚ಂމ ɚ ཧ ɚ ɓ ϋ ɧ ˜ ɚ ˚ ʘ ஷ Ռ€˜͉ ϣ ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃ™ʊ ʚ ˸ ̊ ೯ ٙ ஷ ٝ

͉ ϣ ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃ ʘ ʕeߵ ˖ و ͉ ʊ ɪ ༱ ׵ ͉ ʮ ̡ Ά ุ ၣ १€www.i-cablecomm.comʿ מ ᚣ ׸ ၣ १ (www.hkexnews.hk)f ტɨ̙ί͉ʮ ̡ Ά ุ ၣ १ ˴ ࠫ ܲ˜ҳ ༟ ٫ ᗫ ڷ™ʘ ஹ ഐdΎ ፯ ኿˜ʮ б ԫ ධ™ቡ ᚎ ͉ ϣ ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃf

ࡊ ტ ɨ ૧ ϗ ՟ ͉ ϣ ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃ ٙ Ι Տ ͉dሗ ׵ ߠ ࠫ ٙ ͡ ሗ ڌ ࣸ ͠ ௅ ڌ ׼f͉ ϣ ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃ ٙ Ι Տ ͉ ਗ਼ Ꮠ ტɨࠅӋ׵Υଣࣛගʫ е൬೯৔ʚ ტ ɨf

ν ტɨ૧ϗ՟˚ܝהϞʮ̡ஷৃ # ٙ Ι Տ ͉ א һ ҷ ה ፯ Ⴇ Ԋ و ͉dሗ ტɨ׵ߠࠦٙ͡ሗڌࣸɔ௅ʕൗ׼f

͡ ሗ ڌ ࣸ ɰ ̙ ί ͉ ʮ ̡ Ά ุ ၣ १ א מ ᚣ ׸ ၣ १ ʫ ɨ ༱f ͡ ሗ ڌ ࣸ ඲ ෬ Ѽe ᖦ ໇ ʿ ৔ ʹ ͉ ʮ ̡ ʘ ٰ ΅ ཀ ˒ ೮ া ஈ ՙ Գ ೮ ઠ ࣛ Ϟ ࠢ ʮ ̡€˜ ٰ ΅ ཀ ˒ ೮ া ஈ ™d ή ѧ މ ࠰ ಥ ެ Χ ɽ ༸ ؇ 183 ໮Υձʕː 54 ᅽfࡊ ߰ ტ ɨ ί ࠰ ಥ ҳ ੔d ̙ Դ ͜ ͡ ሗ ڌ ࣸ ʫ ٙ ඉ ੔ ᅺ ᜀ ੔ Ϋd Ͼ ˡ ඲ ί ڦ ܆ ɪ ൨ ɪ ඉ ୃi щ ۆd ሗ ൨ ɪ ቇ ຅ ٙ ඉ ୃf ტɨ͵̙Ҫʊ෬Ѽʘ͡ሗڌࣸٙધ౜ਓ͉ཥඉЇi-cablecomm-ecom@hk.tricorglobal.comf

ࡊ߰ ტ ɨ Ϟ ΂ О ၾ ͉ Ռ Ϟ ᗫ ٙ ဲ ਪdሗ ׵ ፬ ʮ ࣛ ග ʫ€݋ ಂ ɓ Ї ݋ ಂ ʞ€ʮ ଺ ৿ ಂ ৰ ̮ɪ ʹ 9 ͍ࣛЇɨʹ 5 ࣛ ͍ߧ ཥ ٰ ΅ ཀ ˒ ೮াஈ܄˒؂ਕᆠᇞ (852) 2980-1333 ݟ ༔f

˾ڌ Ϟᇞᄱ᎖ஷৃϞࠢʮ̡ ʮ̡।ࣣ ெɿ਄ ᔫ઼


#˜ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃ™ܸ ͉ ʮ ̡ ೯ ̈ א ਗ਼ ೯ ̈ ʚ ტ ɨ ਞ ๫ א મ ՟ Б ਗ ʘ ΂ О ˖ ΁dՉ ʕ ̍ ܼ Ш ʔ ࠢ ׵d͉ ʮ ̡ ʕ ಂ జ ѓ Ŋ ϋ జeஷ ѓe˖ ΁ א Չ ˼ ̊ ي€̍ ܼ ࠰ ಥ ᑌ Υ ʹ ׸ ה Ϟ ࠢ ʮ ̡ ᗇ Վ ɪ ̹ ஝ ۆ ʫ ה ܸ ٙ˜ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃ™f


To:i-CABLE Communications Limited (the "Company") (Stock Code: 1097)

c/o Tricor Tengis Limited Level 54, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen's Road East Hong Kong

Part A ͠௅

ߧj Ϟ ᇞ ᄱ ᎖ ஷ ৃ Ϟ ࠢ ʮ ̡€˜͉ ʮ ̡™

( ٰ ΅ ˾ ໮j1097


࠰ಥެΧɽ༸؇ 183

Υձʕː 54

I/We would like to receive the Current Corporate Communication in printed form in the manner indicated below: ͉ɛŊшഃҎૐ˸ɨΐ˙όϗ՟͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃʘΙՏ͉j

(Please mark "" in ONLY ONE of the following boxes)€ሗ ੽ ɨ ΐ ፯ ኿ ʕdස ί Չ ʕ ɓࡈ٤ࣸ ʫ ྌ ɪ˜™໮ in printed form in the English language only; OR ස ϗ ՟ ߵ ˖ Ι Տ ͉iא in printed form in the Chinese language only; OR ස ϗ ՟ ʕ ˖ Ι Տ ͉iא in printed form both in the English language and in the Chinese language.


Part B ɔ௅

I/We would like to change the way in which I/we receive future Corporate Communications# from the Company in the manner indicated below: (Notes 5 & 6) ͉ɛŊшഃҎૐ˸ɨΐ˙όϗ՟͉ʮ̡˚ܝٙʮ̡ஷৃ #j€ڝ ൗ 5 ʿ 6

(Please mark "" in ONLY ONE of the following boxes) €ሗ ੽ ɨ ΐ ፯ ኿ ʕdස ί Չ ʕ ɓࡈ٤ࣸ ʫ ྌ ɪ˜™໮ in printed form in the English language only; OR ස ϗ ՟ ߵ ˖ Ι Տ ͉iא in printed form in the Chinese language only; OR ස ϗ ՟ ʕ ˖ Ι Տ ͉iא in printed form both in the English language and in the Chinese language.


Signature(s): ᖦ Τj Name: ֑ Τj

(in BLOCK LETTERS ሗ˸ ฺ͍ ෬ᄳ)

(Chinese ʕ˖)Address: ή ѧj

Notes ڝ ൗj

  • 1. Please complete all your details clearly. ሗ ტ ɨ ૶ ู ෬ Ѽ ה Ϟ ༟ ࣘf

    Date: ˚ ಂj

    (English ߵ˖)

    Contact Phone Number: ᑌ ഖ ཥ ༑ ໮ ᇁj

  • 2. Any form with more than one box marked¨©in Part A or Part B, with no box marked¨©, with no signature or otherwise incorrectly completed will be void. ν ί ͉ ڌ ࣸ ͠ ௅ א ɔ ௅ Ъ ̈ ൴ ཀ ɓ ධ ፯ ኿eא ͊ Ϟ Ъ ̈ ፯ ኿eא ͊ Ϟ ᖦ ໇eא ί Չ ˼ ˙ ࠦ ෬ ᄳ ʔ ͍ ᆽdۆ ͉ ڌ ࣸ ਗ਼ ึ Ъ ᄻf

  • 3. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any special instructions written on this Request Form.

    މ е π ဲd΂ О ί ͉ ͡ ሗ ڌ ࣸ ɪ ٙ ᕘ ̮ ˓ ᄳ ܸ ͪdʮ ̡ ਗ਼ ʔ ʚ ஈ ଣf

  • 4. Please note that English and Chinese versions of all the Company's Corporate Communication which have been sent to shareholders in the past 12 months are available from the Company on request. English and Chinese versions of all the Company's Corporate Communications are also available on the Company's corporate website (www.i-cablecomm.com) for five years from the date of first publication.

    ͉ʮ̡௪Ϟ׵ཀ̘12ࡈ ˜ ಀ ੔ ೯ ʚ ٰ ؇ ٙ ͉ ʮ ̡ ٙ ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃ ٙ ʕeߵ ˖ و Ι Տ ͉d̙ Զ ॰ ՟fה Ϟ ͉ ʮ ̡ ٙ ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃ ʕeߵ ˖ و ͵ ͟ ࠯ ϣ ̊ ೯ ˚ ಂ ৎ ࠇdܵ ᚃ5ϋ ༱ ׵ ͉ ʮ ̡ Ά ุ ၣ १€www.i-cablecomm.comɪf

  • 5. When a particular future Corporate Communication is printed in bilingual (English and Chinese) version only, then bilingual version will be provided. Otherwise, all other future Corporate Communication(s) will be provided in the language version(s) as you have lastly chosen.

    ν ˚ ܝ त ֛ ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃ ̥ Ι Տ ᕐ Ⴇ€ߵ ˖ ʿ ʕ ˖وdۆ ึ ౤ Զ ᕐ Ⴇ وiщ ۆd˚ ܝ ੔ ʚ ტɨٙהϞՉ˼ʮ̡ஷৃਗ਼ึ˸ ტɨ௰อ፯֛ٙႧԊو͉މ๟f

  • 6. There is no need to complete this section if you do not wish to receive all future Corporate Communications in printed form.

    ν ტ ɨ ʔ ૧ ϗ ՟ ˚ ܝ ה Ϟ ʮ ̡ ஷ ৃ ٙ Ι Տ ͉dۆ ˡ ඲ ෬ ᄳ Ϥ ᙷf


"Corporate Communications" are all documents issued or to be issued by the Company for your information or action, including but not limited to, interim/annual reports, notices, documents or other publications of the Company(including any "corporate communication" as defined in the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited).

˜ʮ̡ஷৃ™ܸ͉ʮ̡೯̈אਗ਼೯̈ʚ ტɨਞ๫אમ՟Бਗʘ΂О˖΁dՉʕܼ̍Шʔࠢ׵d͉ʮ̡ʕಂజѓŊϋజeஷѓe˖΁אՉ˼̊ي€ܼ̍࠰ಥᑌΥʹ׸הϞࠢʮ̡ᗇՎɪ̹஝ۆʫהܸٙ˜ʮ̡ஷৃ™f


  • (i) ¨Personal Data©in these statements has the same meaning as¨personal data©in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong (the¨PDPO©).

    ͉ ᑊ ׼ ʕ ה ܸ ٙ˜ࡈ ɛ ༟ ࣘ™Ո Ϟ ࠰ ಥ ج Է ୋ 486 ௝ ࡈ ɛ ༟ ࣘ€ӷ ᒯૢ Է€˜ӷ ᒯ ૢ Է™ʕ˜ࡈ ɛ ༟ ࣘ™ٙ ଄ ່f

  • (ii) Your supply of Personal Data to the Company is on a voluntary basis and is used for processing your instructions and/or requests as stated in this Request Form. Failure to provide sufficient information may result in the Company not being able to process your such instructions and/or requests as stated in this Request Form.

    ტ ɨ ݊ І ᗴ Σ ͉ ʮ ̡ ౤ Զ ࡈ ɛ ༟ ࣘd͜ ˸ ஈ ଣ ტ ɨ ί ͉ ͡ ሗ ڌ ࣸ ɪ ה ࠑ ٙ ܸ ͪ ʿ Ŋ א ࠅ Ӌf߰ ტ ɨ ͊ ঐ ౤ Զ ԑ ੄ ༟ ࣘd͉ ʮ ̡ ̙ ঐ ೌ ج ஈ ଣ ტɨί͉͡ሗڌࣸɪהࠑܸٙͪʿŊאࠅӋf

  • (iii) Your Personal Data will not be transferred to other third parties (other than the Share Registrar) unless it is a requirement to do so by law, for example, in response to a court order or a law enforcement agency's request and will be retained for such period as may be necessary for our verification and record purposes.

    ৰ ڢ ܲ ج Է ஝ ֛dԷ ν Ꮠ ج ࢬ ն ˿ א ੂ ج ዚ ᗫ ٙ ࠅ Ӌdщ ۆ ტ ɨ ٙ ࡈ ɛ ༟ ࣘ ਗ਼ ʔ ึ ᔷ ʹ Չ ˼ ୋ ɧ ˙€ٰ ΅ ཀ ˒ ೮ া ஈ ৰ ̮ʿ ਗ਼ ί ̀ ࠅ ಂ ග ڭ व Ъ ࣨ ྼ ʿ ߏ ፽ ͜ ௄f

  • (iv) You have the right to request access to and/or correction of your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the PDPO. Any such request for access to and/or correction of your Personal Data should be in writing addressed to the Personal Data Privacy Officer of the Share Registrar.

    ტɨϞᛆ࣬ኽӷᒯૢԷٙૢ˖ݟቡʿŊאࡌҷ ტ ɨ ٙ ࡈ ɛ ༟ ࣘf΂ О ༈ ഃ ݟ ቡ ʿ Ŋ א ࡌ ҷ ტɨٙࡈɛ༟ࣘٙࠅӋѩ඲˸ࣣࠦ˙όΣٰ΅ཀ˒೮াஈٙࡈɛ༟ࣘӷᒯ˴΂౤̈f


  • Original document
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i-CABLE Communications Limited published this content on 01 March 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 01 March 2021 12:27:02 UTC.