Infraestructura Energética Nova reported earnings results for the third quarter of 2017. For the quarter, the company reported adjusted EBITDA of $209 million, an increase of 65% from $126 million in the same period a year ago. The increase of $83 million was mainly due to the acquisitions of Gasoductos de Chihuahua and Ventika, as well as the start of operations of the Sonora Guaymas-El Oro segment, San Isidro-Samalayuca, Ojinaga-El Encino and Empalme lateral pipelines. Profit was $127 million compared with $56 million in the same period a year ago. These numbers exclude the non-cash gain of $673 million related to the remeasurement to fair value of the previously held 50% interest in Gasoductos de Chihuahua and the after-tax impairment charge of $69 million related to Termoeléctrica de Mexicali power plant in the third quarter of 2016. The $71 million increase was mainly due to the adjusted EBITDA increases.

The company revised CapEx guidance for the year 2017. For the year, the company increasing 2017 CapEx guidance from $820 million to $890 million. The company reaching the awkward trend of its adjusted EBITDA guidance for this year.