The Board of Metallica Minerals Limited announces the resignation of Mr. Steve Boulton from the MLM Board. Mr. Boulton has previously advised the MLM Board that he would not continue his tenure on the MLM Board following, and subject to, completion of the Melior Merger. The meeting of members of MLM to consider the Melior Merger (Melior EGM) was initially intended to occur before the MLM AGM to be held on 19 November 2018. Mr. Boulton had offered himself up for re-election as Director for the interim period leading up to the Melior EGM to ensure a sufficient number of Directors for the purposes of the Corporations Act and the MLM Constitution. MLM is now confident it will have a sufficient number of Directors on completion of the AGM. On this basis, and with the impending Melior EGM, Mr. Boulton is no longer required to remain on the MLM Board in the short term. To reflect this intent, Mr. Boulton has withdrawn his offer of re-election and has resigned from the MLM Board with immediate effect.