Blue Water Biotech, Inc. announced the signing of an agreement with Copay Consultants, LLC ("Copay Consultants") to build copay assistance programs for Blue Water's commercial products, including ENTADFI(R), which was acquired in April and ZONTIVITY(R), which is expected to be acquired in the coming weeks after the signing of an asset purchase agreement in June. Copay Consultants team has over 40 years of combined experience in the life science industry, including creation of manufacturer sponsored patient savings programs, pharmacy adjudicated copay discount programs, direct to patient rebates, patient web enrollment and attestation services, patient messaging, among others. In this new effort, Blue Water's commercial team will work closely with Copay Consultants to design and implement a copay assistance program for eligible ENTADFI(R) and ZONTIVITY®?

patients. After the acquisition of ENTADFI®? in April and signing of an asset purchase agreement to acquire ZONTIVITY(R) in June, Blue Water management presented its commercial launch strategy in a letter to shareholders last month.

Recent execution includes significant progress with Blue Water collaborators and vendors across sales, marketing, advertising, telehealth development, market access, and sample distribution. This new agreement with Copay Consultants is expected to help eligible patients lower the out of pocket costs associated with treatment and is another critical step towards the official launch of these products, expected in the coming months.