The board of directors of Silk Road Logistics Holdings Limited (the "Company") announces that Mr. Meng Fanpeng ("Mr. Meng") has resigned as an executive Director and will cease to be a member of the executive committee of the Company (the "Executive Committee") with effect from 1 July 2021 as he wishes to better allocate his time for his business; Mr. Wong Chun Hung ("Mr. Wong") has resigned as an independent non-executive Director and will cease to be the chairman of the audit committee of the Company (the "Audit Committee"), and a member of each of the nomination committee of the Company (the "Nomination Committee") and the remuneration committee of the Company (the "Remuneration Committee") with effect from 1 July 2021 as he intends to devote more time to his other business development; Ms. Wong Kai Ling ("Ms. Wong") has resigned as an executive Director and will cease to be a member of each of the Executive Committee and the Nomination Committee with effect from 4 July 2021 as she intends to pursue and develop other business; and Mr. Cheung Ngai Lam ("Mr. Cheung"), an executive Director, has been appointed a member of the Nomination Committee with effect from 4 July 2021. Each of Mr. Meng, Mr. Wong and Ms. Wong has confirmed that he/she (i) has no disagreement with the Board; and (ii) there is no matter in relation to his/her resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange"). The Board further announces that Ms. Wong will cease to act as an authorised representative of the Company and Mr. Cheung has been appointed as an authorised representative of the Company with effect from 4 July 2021.