Silver Bear Resources Plc announced it has appointed Alexey Sotskov as its Deputy Chief Executive Officer effective July 23, 2018. Mr. Sotskov has been a director of Silver Bear since August 2014 and is a representative of the company's major shareholder, Inflection Management Corporation Limited. Mr. Sotskov continues to sit on the company's board of directors. As Deputy CEO, Mr. Sotskov will share management of the Mangazeisky silver project in Far East Russia with the company's President and CEO, Mr. Graham Hill. Mr. Sotskov has more than 15 years of project management experience in the technology and business process optimization sectors. Currently, he is the nominee of Inflection on the Board. Previously, he was the Project Portfolio Manager of Technonicol, a large Russian manufacturer and distributor of construction materials. Prior to joining Technonicol, Mr. Sotskov led certain business optimization and ERP implementation programs for TNK-BP, a major vertically integrated Russian oil company headquartered in Moscow, and for Kinross Gold. Mr. Sotskov holds a Master's Degree in Science and Applied Mathematics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.