Vista Energy, S.A.B. de C.V. announced successful results in well BPE-2301h, located in the south-eastern part of Bajada del Palo Este. Well BPE-2301h targeted the La Cocina landing zone of Vaca Muerta, with a lateral length of 2,818 meters and 48 completion stages. The cumulative production of well BPE-2301H for the first 60 days was 74.9 thousand barrels of oil equivalent (Mboe), with a peak IP-30 of 1,547 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d).

The oil content of the well was approximately 99% of total production. Additionally, the robust performance in well BPE-231h boosted Bajada del Palo E Ste's total production from 2,994 boe/d in Fourth Quarter-2022 to 4,248 boe/d in March 2023. Based on the successful results in well BPE -2301h, the Company has increased its estimated ready-to-drill inventory in the block from up to 50 to up to 150 wells.

The Bajada del Palo E ste concession is located in the black oil window of VacaMuerta, covering a surface area of 48,853 gross acres. In First Quarter 2022, the Company drilled two-well pad BPE-1, which after 360 days is producing on average 30% above the Company's Bajada del Palo Oeste type curve on a normalized basis.