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(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

(Stock code: 345)



The poll results in respect of the resolutions proposed at the annual general meeting (“AGM”) of Vitasoy

International Holdings Limited (the “Company”) held on 1st September, 2011 are as follows:

Ordinary Resolutions

Number of votes (%)

Ordinary Resolutions




To receive and adopt the audited Financial Statements and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors for the year ended

31st March, 2011

664,902,801 (100.00%)

0 (0%)


To declare a final dividend

664,902,801 (100.00%)

0 (0%)


A. (i) To re-elect Mr. Iain F. BRUCE as Director

585,553,001 (89.01%)

72,297,800 (10.99%)

(ii) To re-elect Ms. Yvonne Mo-ling LO as Director

657,095,051 (99.89%)

752,000 (0.11%)

(iii) To re-elect Mr. Valiant Kin-piu CHEUNG as


657,091,051 (99.89%)

746,000 (0.11%)

B. To fix the remuneration of the Directors

664,879,051 (99.997%)

20,000 (0.003%)


To appoint Auditors and authorise the Directors to fix their


664,879,051 (99.997%)

20,000 (0.003%)

Ordinary Resolutions

Number of votes (%)

Ordinary Resolutions




A. To grant an unconditional mandate to the Directors to issue, allot and deal with additional shares of the Company

413,876,732 (69.30%)

183,374,069 (30.70%)

B. To grant an unconditional mandate to the Directors to repurchase shares of the Company

664,853,051 (99.99%)

46,000 (0.01%)

C. To add the nominal value of the shares repurchased pursuant to Resolution 5B to the nominal value of the shares available pursuant to Resolution 5A

493,648,732 (75.04%)

164,202,069 (24.96%)

D. To approve the grant of options to Mr. Winston Yau-lai

LO under the Share Option Scheme

329,617,047 (71.49%)

131,420,714 (28.51%)

As more than 50% of the votes were cast in favour of each resolution, all the above resolutions were duly passed as ordinary resolutions.

As at the date of the AGM, the total number of issued shares of the Company was 1,021,635,500 shares, being the total number of shares entitling the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) to attend and vote for or against the resolutions at the AGM. As set out in the circular of the Company dated 6th July, 2011, Mr. Winston Yau-lai Lo and his associates and all connected persons of the Company, representing an aggregate of approximately 21.21% of the issued share capital of the Company were entitled to attend the AGM and vote only against Resolution 5D. Save as aforesaid, no Shareholder was required to abstain from voting on the resolutions and no Shareholder was entitled to attend and vote only against the resolutions at the AGM.

Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, the share registrar of the Company, was appointed as scrutineer for the vote-taking at the AGM.

For and on behalf of Vitasoy International Holdings Limited Paggie Ah-hing Tong

Company Secretary

Hong Kong, 1st September, 2011

As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Winston Yau-lai Lo, Mr. Laurence P. Eisentrager and Mr. Eric Fat Yu are executive directors. Ms. Myrna Mo-ching Lo and Ms. Yvonne Mo-ling Lo are non-executive directors. Dr. the Hon. Sir David Kwok-po Li, Mr. Iain F. Bruce, Mr. Jan P. S. Erlund and Mr. Valiant Kin-piu Cheung are independent non-executive directors.