Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, July 08, 2013
To the

Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires

(Buenos Aires Stock Exchange)

Ref: YPF gives notice of an acquisition of its own shares in the market. Relevant Fact. Compliance with Article 23 of Chapter VII of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange Rules

Dear Sirs:
The purpose of this letter is to comply with the requirements of Article 23 of Chapter VII of the
Buenos Aires Stock Exchange Rules.
In that connection, please be advised that during the week of July 08 to July 12, YPF S.A. acquired 120,000 of its American Depositary Shares ("ADS") on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE"), at an average price of $14.98 per ADS, for a total amount of $1,797,734.92.
Yours faithfully,

Gabriel E. Abalos Market Relations Officer YPF S.A.
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