As a part of the business streamlining measures included in our comprehensive special business plan, we have been working towards revising the existing corporate pension plan (reduction of the defined benefit corporate pension) targeted for both active employees and pension recipients.

As we have gained agreement on revising the corporate pension plan from more than two-thirds of the recipients (required for submitting an approval request), we submitted an approval request for revising the corporate pension plan to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare on July 10, 2012. Today, the revised corporate pension plan has been approved by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Based on the approval given, the revised corporate pension plan will be effective from October 2012 as stated in our comprehensive special business plan.

We will continue our collective efforts in implementing unprecedented business streamlining and cost reduction measures.


< Reference > Revision of Corporate Pension Plan (Previously announced on June 4, 2012)

[Fixed-term Pension]
1) Those who retired by the end of September 2007
The pension plan will be switched from fixed-rate to variable-rate, and the interest rate (6.5-3.5%) will be reduced by 4.25-1.25% to 2.25% (lower limit).

2) Those who retired (will retire) in October 2007 and later
As the pension plan is variable-rate, the lower limit of re-evaluation rate will be reduced from 2.0% to 1.5%.

[Life Pension]
The payment amount will be reduced by 30%. Monthly payment will be reduced from 70,000 yen to 50,000 yen.

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