Von Rettig  Family

Von Rettig Family

Net worth: 598 M $ as of 2024-03-30

Known holdings in public companies

CompanyDateNumber of sharesValuationValuation date
2023-07-30 26,373,971 ( 64.15% ) 196 M $ 2024-03-30
2024-01-30 21,153,191 ( 16.65% ) 172 M $ 2024-03-30
2024-01-30 6,206,706 ( 15.06% ) 92 M $ 2024-03-30
2024-02-28 7,394,115 ( 10.16% ) 80 M $ 2024-03-30
2024-03-16 50,276,521 ( 4.51% ) 43 M $ 2024-03-30
2023-12-30 1,000,000 ( 10.00% ) 11 M $ 2024-03-30
2024-01-30 971,100 ( 0.19% ) 4 M $ 2024-03-30
  1. Stock Market
  2. Insiders
  3. Von Rettig Family