A-Cap Energy Limited has begun a comprehensive program of development activities led by a new country manager to advance its Letlhakane Uranium Project in Botswana. The 2015 feasibility study which was completed as part of the Mining Licence application (ASX:ACB 11/09/2015) reported a forecast annual production of 3 million pounds of uranium per year for Letlhakane, which hosts a world-scale Mineral Resource of 822Mt @ 202ppm for
366Mlbs of U3O8. The project has a low strip ratio, flat lying, shallow orebody that is amenable to free dig mining due to the relatively soft host rocks. In 2010, the company committed to a first-pass series of test work on radiometric sorting utilising seven different samples from across Letlhakane. At the time the results were encouraging with an upgrade of around 1.7 to 2.0 times for the uranium grade and rejection of between 50 to 70% of the mass of the coarse fraction sorted. The overall mass reduction, when fines are added back, was around 45% at a grade increase of 1.5. Running in parallel with the beneficiation work, A-Cap has engaged MinAssist, experts in uranium processing, to review and test historical work on the process route used in the 2016 Letlhakane feasibility study. This work will incorporate the results from the ongoing beneficiation test work where appropriate and will look at strategies to mitigate acid consumption during leaching.