Algernon Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced that it has appointed Dr. Steven L. Wolf, a global expert in the field of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Medicine, as a consultant for its clinical research program for the treatment of stroke focused on AP-188 ("N,N-Dimethyltryptamine or DMT"). Dr. Wolf, PT, PhD, FAPTA, is a professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, where he explores novel interventions to improve extremity use in patients with stroke as well as mechanisms of cortical reorganization and inter-joint coordination associated with such changes. He is a world expert in physical therapy, a prolific and innovative researcher and leader who has made seminal contributions to patient care, and a highly sought-after lecturer and teacher who has been a valued mentor to students, residents and faculty. Dr. Wolf's research has been widely disseminated via more than 300 publications. He has also authored or co-authored nine books that have become major pillars in the fields of physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine. Dr. Wolf has additionally made numerous appearances on National Public Radio and CNN, as well as multiple other media outlets as a subject expert commentator. Dr. Wolf joins a distinguished group of scientists, researchers and clinicians who are working to help guide Algernon as it develops its DMT stroke clinical research program. His role will be to specifically assist with the investigation of DMT in the rehabilitation of patients that have suffered some form of deficit as a result of a stroke.