Airopack Technology Group AG announced earnings results for the year 2017. For the period, the company's net sales increased by 90% compared to the previous year, totaling EUR 21.5 million. This is a direct result of the increased sales of Airopacks, which represented a value of EUR 13.1 million compared to EUR 3.4 million in 2016. The results over 2017 progressed against the results over 2016, with EBITDA improving by EUR 7.5 million. Efficiency improvements and investments in ramping up production capacity while securing high product quality during the year, explain the negative EBITDA of EUR 21.0 million. Net loss was EUR 40.1 million. This includes EUR 3.4 million of exceptional costs for impairment and consultancy charges.

The Board of Directors and Group Management confirm the earlier expressed expectation to reach an EBITDA break-even run rate during the second half of 2018. Break-even levels will be achieved once operating at an annual production and sales run rate of 100 million Airopack dispensers, which is an equivalent of 8.3 million pieces per month. The expectation is substantiated during the production and sales increases in 2017, measured on a month by month bases, which demonstrated significant EBITDA improvements per million volume increase.