Auscrete Corporation announced the launch of production. To coincide with this greatly anticipated launching of its production, ASCK is putting together, for commercial purposes, a video on its innovative technology being used and showcasing the entire process. This video will be a sales and marketing tool, as ASCK receives an ever-increasing amount of inquiries for licensed contractors and developers across the country regarding the ASCK technology to produce hybrid concrete panels. These products are more affordable and energy efficient than the industry standards at present. The video being produced will be able to show the step by step process from start to finish, without giving away any proprietary information. When a licensed contractor or developer makes inquiries about the ASCK product, they will be offered an interactive online demo viewing of the video, plus they can receive the video via email. This will go a long way towards ongoing development of the Company’s sales and marketing strategy and getting information out to the masses in the most efficient of ways. These hybrid concrete construction panels are fire retardant, wind, water and weatherproof. In addition, they are hypoallergenic and do not promote mold growth, with much lower than industry maintenance costs. Structures using the ASCK panels will also have a life expectancy in centuries, not the limited life of timber structures that most are accustomed to today. One would be hard-pressed to find a product to shelter and keep a family safer than a home constructed using the ASCK technology for producing their wall and roof panels, not to mention the appreciation for a future re-sell.