Smart Campaign is an initiative implemented by The Center for Financial Inclusion at ACCION International, together with the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), whose mission is focused on making sure the microfinance industry works towards a common goal: to make sure clients continue to drive business in the sector.
The Client Protection Certification is an independent, external evaluation that publically recognizes financial institutions that meet specific standards in the business.
More than 4,100 institutions worldwide have joined the Smart Campaign initiative, but just 23 institutions have received their certifications. The process consists of an evaluation implemented by an external rating agency -MicroRate²- in which the institution achieved a satisfactory outcome as it met all 30 minimum standards clients should expect to receive from their commercial relationship with the institution.
Moreover, the Smart Campaign report certifies that Compartamos Banco meets all seven client protection principles, stressing the institution's performance in terms of the prevention of over- indebtedness aligned with the commitment to contribute to the industry's sound consolidation nationwide:
1. Designs products based on client needs
2. Does not grant loans beyond client's capacity
3. Is transparent in its pricing, terms and conditions
4. Offers competitive prices
5. Treats clients with respect
6. Keeps personal information safe and secure, and
7. Responds to clients' complaints and concerns when any issue arises
"Today, Compartamos Banco unites behind this common purpose, which offers further proof of its commitment to providing clients with a quality, caring service suited to meet their needs," said Enrique Majós, Chief Executive Officer of Compartamos Banco.
Its services portfolio, client protection and financial education support the financial inclusion efforts currently under implementation by Compartamos Banco and other Gentera companies.
Para mayor información, visita www.compartamos.como contacta a:
Roberto Ricalde
Relaciones Externas
T: +52 (55) 5276-7250 Ext. 6539 @compartamosbanc
Majós explained that Gentera and its companies work tirelessly on client protection principles to make sure that these permeate throughout the institution's operations, consolidating an internal metrics system that reveals levels of compliance and serves as a tool to effectively establish strong and lasting relationships with clients, thus boosting client loyalty and helping to reduce financial risk.
"The backbone of our actions will continue to consist of offering our clients quality service and products that meet their needs," Majós concluded.
² Rating agency with 17 years of experience evaluating the performance of microfinance institutions and their risk levels.
Descripción de la CompañíaCompartamos Banco genera oportunidades de desarrollo a través de servicios financieros a personas de segmentos populares, que permiten a nuestros clientes invertir en su activo más importante: ellos mismos. Lo hacemos mediante redes
sociales y un modelo de negocio que genera valor social, económico y humano.
Compartamos Banco, una empresa de
Este comunicado de prensa puede contener en las declaraciones ciertas estimaciones. Estas declaraciones son hechos no históricos, y se basan en la visión actual de la administración de Compartamos Banco S.A. Institución de Banca Múltiple. de las circunstancias económicas futuras, de las condiciones de la industria, el desempeño de la compañía y resultados financieros. Las palabras "anticipada", "cree", "estima", "espera", "planea" y otras expresiones similares, relacionadas con la Compañía, tienen la intención de identificar estimaciones o previsiones. La implementación de la operación principal y estrategias financieras y los planes de inversión de capital, la dirección de operaciones futuras y los factores o las tendencias que afectan la condición financiera, la liquidez o los resultados de operaciones son ejemplos de estimaciones declaradas. Tales declaraciones reflejan la visión actual de la gerencia y están sujetas a varios riesgos e incertidumbres. No hay garantía que los eventos esperados, tendencias o resultados ocurrirán realmente. Las declaraciones están basadas en varias suposiciones y factores, inclusive las condiciones generales económicas y de mercado, condiciones de la industria y los factores de operación. Cualquier cambio en tales suposiciones o factores podrían causar que los resultados reales difieran materialmente de las expectativas actuales.
Para mayor información, visita www.compartamos.como contacta a:
Roberto Ricalde
Relaciones Externas
T: +52 (55) 5276-7250 Ext. 6539 @compartamosbanc
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