Beijing Airdoc Technology Co., Ltd. announced that at its 2023 first extraordinary general meeting held on March 30, 2023, in accordance with the poll results of the EGM, the Board announced that Ms. WANG Lin (‘Ms. Wang') has been appointed as an executive Director of the first session of the Board and Ms. ZHU Tingyao (‘Ms. Zhu') has been appointed as a non-executive Director of the first session of the Board at the EGM. The appointment of Ms. Wang as a member of the remuneration and appraisal committee of the Company becomes effective immediately upon her appointment as an executive Director being approved by the Shareholders. The term of office of each of Ms. Wang and Ms. Zhu shall commence from the date of approval at the EGM until the expiry of the term of the first session of the Board.

Each of Ms. Wang and Ms. Zhu shall be eligible for re-election upon the expiry of her term of office.