The Board of Directors of Beijing Health (Holdings) Limited announced that with effect from 15 July 2022, Mr. Zhang Jing Ming has resigned as Joint Chief Executive Officer of the Company due to the need to devote more time to his other business commitment. Mr. Zhang has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there are no matters in respect of his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of shareholders of the Company. Upon the resignation of Mr. Zhang, Mr. Liu Xue Heng (‘Mr. Liu') will be re-designated from Joint Chief Executive Officer to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company with effect from 15 July 2022.

Mr. Liu, aged 48, was appointed as an Executive Director and Joint Chief Executive Officer of the Company in September 2014 and April 2015 respectively. He is currently a member of the Investment and Risk Management Committee of the Company. Since January 2016, Mr. Liu served as an executive director of Beijing Sports and Entertainment Industry Group Limited and served as the chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Beijing Sports and Entertainment since April 2016.

Mr. Liu obtained a master's degree in Business Administration from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. He has extensive experience in equity investment, corporate finance, initial public offer, and mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Liu holds directorship in a number of subsidiaries of the Group.

Save as disclosed above, Mr. Liu did not hold any directorship in other listed public companies in Hong Kong or overseas in the last three years, and he is not related to any Directors, senior management, other substantial or controlling Shareholders of the Company, nor does he hold any other positions with the Company or any of its subsidiaries.