DeNA Co., Ltd. (TSE:2432) made an offer to acquire additional 24.56% of stake in Data Horizon Corporation (TSE:3628) from Benefit One Inc. (TSE:2412) and others for ¥7 billion on June 29, 2022. Data Horizon is getting ¥2,200 per share. The tender offer will open on June 30, 2022 and will end on July 28, 2022. DC Advisory acted as financial advisor to DeNA Co Ltd.

DeNA Co., Ltd. (TSE:2432) completed the acquisition of additional 24.56% of stake in Data Horizon Corporation (TSE:3628) from Benefit One Inc. (TSE:2412) and others on July 28, 2022. Post completion of the tender offer and acquisition through the Third-Party Allotment, DeNA holds 51.72% stake in Data Horizon Corporation.