11 June 2015

Camkids Group plc

Investor Conference Call Transcript

Further to this morning's investor conference call, Camkids is pleased to publish the transcript. For an audio recording of the call please dial 0208 196 1998 and use the access pin 8979100#. This will be available for 7 days.

"Good morning,

Welcome to the Camkids Investor Conference Call. On the call today we have, Alex Price and Charles Donaldson from Allenby Capital and from the Company we have the Chairman Zhang Congming, Jacque-Franck Dossin and myself, Pei Eng, all of whom attended the Company's annual general meeting, held earlier today at the Company's head office in Jinjiang. Before we start the Board of Camkids would like to thank everyone for the questions they submitted. Executive Chairman Zhang Congming will be giving a brief introduction in Mandarin and I, Pei Eng, will be translating into English. Following this, I will be reading out your questions and the Companies answers one at a time.

Zhang Congming: Gives his introduction to the participants in Mandarin.

Pei Eng will then translate into English: "Currently the Chinese market is undergoing a lot of reform and restructuring and this is affecting market growth rates. Camkids is facing competition from multi-national companies with more established resources and networks. They are reducing their retail prices and we are adjusting our pricing accordingly to the market conditions. We hope that the shareholders can understand the tough situation we are in and stand with us during this period. We are all working to generate shareholder value in the future."

We will now move on to the Questions and Answers:

1. How and why or on whose advice were you able to ever reach the point of view that issuance of new shares could be described as a dividend?

The issuance of scrip dividends is a well-established corporate practice as a method of issuing more shares to current shareholders effectively free of charge. There are major benefits for companies in doing so since it enables companies to conserve cash balances whilst at the same time giving a benefit to shareholders which they can sell down in the market should they wish.

As a major shareholder in Camkids, I am confident in the Company and feel the current share price is fundamentally undervalued. A Scrip dividend was therefore offered as an alternative for those shareholders who wish to re-invest. The decision to offer a Scrip dividend as an alternative for a cash dividend was a joint Board decision.

2. Whose idea was it to pursue that policy?

It was a joint Board decision.

3. Did you initially believe investors would find that credible and indicative of good financial intentions towards them in the future? Why?

Yes because we believe the current share price is fundamentally undervalued and this was borne out by a number, although by no means all, of investors electing to receive the scrip dividend rather than cash.

4. The Company talks about long term positive market conditions and conflicting short term news regarding the weakness of orders from your distributors. What is your EPS and cash forecast for this year?

Currently the Chinese market is undergoing a lot of reform and restructuring and this is affecting market growth rates. Whilst this is something that is beyond the Company's control, we are confident this market adjustment is a good opportunity for both Camkids and its distributors to reconsolidate their resources and meet the need of the consumers' requirements. I believe this will be good for the Company's future growth.

As a company, we are not permitted to make forecasts on our current numbers but you can access a copy of Allenby Capital's latest research note on its website.

5. After a significant decline the shares collapsed after the odd decision to stop paying dividends. You had committed to a progressive payment to loyal shareholders then profoundly let them down. What do you intend to do with the cash? How can shareholders trust you again?

We understand shareholders frustrations in this regards. Camkids is facing competition from multi-national companies with more established resources and networks. In view of the current market shift within China, and our need to adapt to these changes, we will use the cash saved to invest in product design and marketing activities to strengthen our brand awareness. In the long-term, we believe this will be better for investors since the Camkids will be able to take advantage of the current opportunities and preserve and grow its market share.

Our current intention is to recommence the payment of a dividend as and when market conditions allow. We ask that shareholders bear with us in this regard.

6. Will the Chairman accept that his Board is powerless to act in shareholders' interests? The recent resignation of a UK non-exec related to the dividend issue confirms that the Chairman dominates the decision making process.

As the Chairman of the Company, I need to balance a number of potentially competing interests. In view of the challenging market conditions, I had asked my senior management team to take a pay-cut and the board considered that, against that backdrop, the payment of a dividend was not appropriate in the circumstances.

I am pleased to say that at Camkids we have always had regular board meeting where differing views are discussed. On occasion, these discussions can be rather heated but ultimately we are all working for the benefit of Camkids and its stakeholders, be they shareholders, customers or employees.

7. Why did you spend GBP1m to float the company? How does the Chairman expect to sell his shares at some stage in the future if the company can't be relied upon?

The reason we listed the company on AIM was to attract distributors with better networks, recruit high calibre employees, raise the Company profile and strengthen the brand in China. I believe that the Company will continue to develop high quality products that will result in strong revenue and increased Company growth. Whilst I have no current intention of selling my shareholding, should I ever decided to do so in the future I am confident there will be investors who are interested in purchasing them.

8. Can the cash be transferred into a UK bank account? Why isn't this transfer done to reassure investors?

Camkids is a Chinese company operating in China and it would not make business sense to transfer the funds to a UK bank account. The cash is in a Chinese bank account as the Company's operations are in China. The Company has been able to meet all of its payment obligations to creditors, staff and other payables.

9. In light of other problems with recently floated Chinese companies will future non-execs be given cheque authorisation powers?

We cannot comment on issues being faced by other Chinese companies save to say that NED authorisation on payments is not usual practice since to obtain this may affect the normal day-to-day operation of the Company.

10. It is evident that Camkids is a genuine company. One only needs to go to the Chinese equivalent of Google maps in China (tencent maps - map.qq.com) and make a search for the Chinese character version of the name Camkids, to see that there are many, many Camkids stores within China. It is possible to see the actual stores in many cases in the street view feature. However, as a result of what has occurred with other Chinese listings on AIM, the market seems to suspect that it may not be a genuine company. This is despite the accessible evidence to the contrary. Please could you explain what the company plans to do to promote its legitimacy and counter this incorrect view?

Our stores are located in first tier shopping malls in Beijing and Shanghai and are very easily verifiable. We are planning on appointing bilingual NEDs who understand the Chinese market and we consider that the Company's ability to communicate and tackle these misconceptions will be strengthened.

We are also considering putting on a showcase of our products during our next trip to London in order that investors may come and view a selection of these as well as to meet our senior staff.

11. Further to the above question, to clarify on the Chinese characters used in Tencent for the search. 骆驼 青少年户外装备

When we launched our "Camkids" brand in 2008, we use骆驼 青少年户外装备 (Camel teen outdoor equipment). We are currently changing all our stores logo to Camkids 青少年户外装备 .

12. When will the Executive Directors be in Europe and make themselves available to investors? This is much better than a distant video call. Investors have mostly paid far higher prices for their shares and it would be correct for Directors to visit their shareholders and to explain what they are doing

At the moment the Executive Directors need to focus all their attention on the operational side of the business in order to adapt to the current market environment and create shareholder value. That said, we do understand the importance of regular visits to London in order to keep our investors up to date with what is happening on the ground in China. As and when we have formulated plans for our next trip to London we will make an announcement at the appropriate time.

13. What efforts are the Board going to make to find a new set of institutional shareholders and to find some buyers for the shares?

Our broker ensures that we hold regular discussions with potential institutional investors.

14. What is the Board going to do to address the gap in valuation between the Companies cash balances and the share price?

We understand that there is currently a disconnect in this regard and are working on a number of potential solutions to this. We will update the market at the appropriate time.

15. The share price indicates that the Board does not care about the share price. How do you explain you care?

I can assure that nothing could be further from the truth. As the largest shareholder in Camkids, no one is more affected by the current share price. I would say, however, that share prices are affected by a number of factors, some which we can control but also a significant number that we cannot control.

Trading conditions within China are difficult at present but I firmly believe that in time the market will see that Camkids is different from the other AIM listed Chinese companies and the current discount applied because of this will ease.

16. Does the Board understand the enormous damage to the reputation of the Company from the decision to cut the dividend? It saved a very small amount of money (compared to the cash balances) and has caused the share price to halve. Does the Board not understand the loss of face involved in cutting the dividend?

As discussed previously, I understand shareholder frustrations in this regard. However, as Chairman it is my responsibility to balance all of the competing interests for the good of Camkids. The dividend may be a small amount of money but given the current challenging market conditions it is important for the Company to conserve cash to be able to generate shareholder value in the future.

17. How can the Company prove to the Stock Market that the Company's cash balances actually exist? Has the Board considered an independent investigation of the Company's finances to reassure the market that they do exist?

As part of our annual audit our auditors visited our bank account in order to obtain direct confirmation on our cash balances from the bank itself.

We are aware that we will never be able to convince some people in relation to these cash balances but we do feel it is noteworthy that all suppliers, advisers, employees and directors are regularly paid on time which of course we couldn't do if we didn't have sufficient cash.

At the same time, as announced last year, we also place significant sums in medium-term deposit accounts in order to attract a better rate of interest and the effect of this can be seen in our financial statements.

18. When will the Company be able to announce Board appointments that bring new, independent Directors able to represent minority shareholders and to bring some balance to the Executive Board?

We are currently in discussions with a number of credible candidates and will make announcements on these at the appropriate time. We feel it is more beneficial for shareholders to secure the services of effective NEDs rather than rush into appointing the first candidates that come along. Camkids has always been extremely proud of the strength of its NEDs.

19. Does the Board consider there is enough information in the market for there to be a fair valuation of the Company? If yes, do the Board consider the current valuation to be reasonable?

We make announcements to the market on a regular basis to keep investors informed and we will of course continue to do so. As a major shareholder I believe the shares are currently fundamentally undervalued.

20. How are you any different , as a stock market investment, from Naibu?

Aside from the fact that we are located in the same geographical area as Naibu Global, there are few similarities between our two businesses as we are focused on very different market segments. Camkids is one of the market leaders in its market segment, has an easily discoverable product range and store locations online. We try to focus on the strengths of Camkids as an investment rather than on any other companies' weaknesses.

21. The latest 'Final Results' refer to the potential for the company to grow its business through greater internet trading, namely ' As previously announced, the Group has identified e-commerce as a source of significant growth for the business as more Chinese consumers do their shopping on-line via their smartphones and other internet enabled devices'. I can see no indication what resources are being allocated to this and the timescale the company is working towards to get this fully operational. What sales did the company achieve on Chinese Double 11 day last year?

Camkids does indeed believe that there is significant potential for it to grow its business through greater internet trading and we have increased our on-line advertisement on Tmall and JD.com. However, this business line remains fairly small at present and we are currently looking to recruit suitably qualified staff with e-commerce experience. Last year our sales on Chinese Double 11 day were approximately RMB2 million.

22. The latest 'Final Results' refer to the 'order book' for this year's spring/summer collection being 38% down on last year. Is the order book based on sales taken at Trade exhibitions only, as I also notice that the results mention that sales are only about 5% down in January/February compared with 2014. What other form of sales do the company make apart from 'order book' sales and how important are these relative to the 'order book' sales and overall sales?

The sales order is based on the spring/summer Sales Fair held in Jinjiang. Every year Camkids holds two sales fairs, one for the spring/summer collection and the other for the autumn/winter collection. During the sales fair, which has been attended by our nomad and broker, Allenby Capital, our distributors and their franchisees place their sales orders. Our spring/summer collection which is comprised of mostly spring products, has to be delivered to our distributors before the spring festival that falls in mid-February.

In addition to the order book from our distributors, e-commerce and retail sales from our only flagship store are the other forms of sales for the Company. Approximately 98% of our sales are from our distributors.

23. I assume the company has no exports to speak of at present. Are there any overseas markets the company is looking to potentially target or is the intention to retain the brand focus within China. I note that the website uses Chinese and western models equally for advertising the product ranges on its website.

For the next few years, we will be focusing on the China market but if there are good overseas opportunities then we will consider them.

24. Contrary to some investors, I appreciate the Board's conservative approach to dividend payment during periods of trading pressure as long as due note is taken of them when the company outlook improves.

Thank you for expressing your view through this forum.

25. The contact e-mail address shown on the company websiteKoy@mingweishoes.comis not valid and needs updating.

Thank you for your feedback, we have updated the contact e-mail address.

That concludes the call for today. Once again the Board would like to thank you for your time and we hope that we have answered your questions fully and clearly."

For further details, please contact:

Camkids Group plc

Zhang Congming , Executive Chairman

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7653 9850

Ng Pei Eng, Chief Finance Officer


Allenby Capital Limited

Alex Price / James Reeve / Nick Athanas

Tel: +44 (0)20 3328 5656



Media enquiries:


Adam Lloyd / Robyn McConnachie/Andre Hamlyn

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7653 9850

Notes to editors

Camkids is a leading Chinese designer, manufacturer and distributor of branded outdoor clothing, footwear and equipment for children and teenagers.

Based in Fujian province in China, the Group focuses on children's sportswear for outdoor activities, combining functionality and innovation. The products are mid-range price based, targeting mid- and high-range markets within China.

The three main product areas are:

• Camkids outdoor clothing - all weather jackets, waterproof trousers, shirts, tops and T-shirts, woollen sweaters, jeans, trousers shorts and skirts;

• Camkids footwear - hiking boots, outdoor leisure footwear, flip-flops, sandals and boots

• Camkids equipment and accessories - telescopes, backpacks, technical packs, tents, sleeping bags, headgear, caps, kettles, headlights and torches.

The Group designs its entire product range and manufactures the majority of its footwear. Outdoor apparel and accessories are currently manufactured by third party OEMs.

Camkids' primary route to market for the sale of its products is through its network of distributors. The Group has established an extensive distribution network across 29 provinces, 4 municipalities and 5 autonomous regions within the PRC and is successfully expanding its presence in tier 3 and tier 4 cities. The Group has 17 authorised distributors operating over 1,336 franchised retail outlets, and continues to develop its e-commerce business and currently has over 200 product lines on offer through its existing online partners of Taobao and JD.com.

Camkids has received a number of prestigious awards. In September 2014 it was announced that Camkids had been included in the rankings as one of "The Top 500 Asia Brands". In addition to this prestigious award, the Group's Chairman has also been honoured as one of the "Top ten new brand creators in Chinese industry".

For more information please visitwww.camkids-ir.com.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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