Captiva Verde Wellness Corp. announced that it has appointed James Martin as Chairman of the Captiva Verde - New Brunswick Asset Advisory Board. Mr. Martin has impeccable credentials directly related to the Company's undisputed 100% ownership of infrastructure assets in New Brunswick that include a 200-acre organic qualified farming property, 36,000 square feet of refurbished buildings and facilities, six (6) Million-gallon water reservoir, Health
Canada approved security systems and security fencing, all together valued at a replacement cost of over CAD 11.8 Million. Captiva Verde owns these assets 100% debt-free. Mr. Martin is a highly respected leader in the New Brunswick construction industry with over 40 years of top-level, large project experience. He holds Gold Seal Certification from the Construction Association of Canada and is Red Seal qualified in electrical contracting. Some significant projects completed by Mr. Martin in New Brunswick and Alberta include: Construction of the original Organigram Cannabis facility in Moncton, NB Construction of the Enbridge Gas System in NB (over 80KM of underground main pipeline) Complete rebuild of the Moncton, NB Airport runway Completion of the Suncor aviation runway in Alberta Construction of the McAllister Park Subdivision in Riverview NB Construction of the White Birch Subdivision in Lower Coverdale NB Completion of the Captiva Verde Cannabis Facility.