BIG Pharmacy Healthcare Sdn. Bhd. entered into a conditional sale and purchase agreement to acquire 25% stake in Caring Pharmacy Group Berhad from Motivasi Optima Sdn Bhd for approximately CNY 180 million on September 21, 2023. The aggregate consideration of the 100% equity shares of Caring Pharmacy (excluding the Indonesian Businesses) of CNY 850 million. Accordingly, the Disposal Consideration for Convenience Shopping (Sabah) Sdn. Bhd. Sale Shares based on CSSSB?s 75% equity interest in Caring is CNY 675 million. As of June 30, 2023, Caring reported Revenue of CNY 659.4 million, Profit before tax of CNY 15.735 million, profit after tax and minority interest of CNY 10.273 million and Shareholders? fund of CNY 145.883 million.

BIG Pharmacy Healthcare Sdn. Bhd. completed the acquisition of 25% stake in Caring Pharmacy Group Berhad from Motivasi Optima Sdn Bhd for on November 20, 2023 which is an estimated completion date.