Cassius Mining Limited identified multiple pegmatites during initial exploration1 at Target 1 at the wholly owned Chenene Lithium Project in Tanzania. Cassius applied a series of ~400m spaced N-S traverse lines (Fig 6) across a ~50 km2 target area, encompassing the outcrops of gneiss on the margins of the Chenene Hills within PL 11921. The low-lying areas covered by `red soil' between outcrops were not sampled.

Substantial attention was given to the area close to Dulu village in the west of the license, close to the border with the Company's adjacent PL 11920, where historical Lithium pegmatite presence had been recorded. Lepidolite (pink coloured Lithium-rich Mica, Fig 2) was observed at the Dulu pegmatite. The field team recorded the pegmatite to be approximately 970m long with a ~3m surface width exposure.

Strike of the intrusion was recorded at 97-110O, dipping at 50-60O to the south. The pegmatites mapped at Nemazi (Fig 3, gneiss outcrop east of Dulu) also show similar surface expression with a similar strike and dip, indicating potential subsurface continuity with Dulu (not confirmed). Pegmatite distribution can be clearly seen to be concentrated in the exposed metamorphosed Gneiss outcrops on higher ground (Fig 4), however the potential exists that pegmatites are also present under surface cover at lower elevations.

The elevated gneiss outcrops along the southern part of Target 1 have not yet been traversed and will be explored next. The fieldwork to date has been on the northern part of the exposed gneiss outcrops at Target 1 and indicates 35 pegmatites to date with an indicative combined length of approximately 7km. A dominant WNW-ESE pegmatite trend was identified in Dulu and Nemazi, with lesser NNE-SSW cross cuts just north of Dulu.

Rock-chip samples were collected from locations within the pegmatites. Each being a composite sample comprised of several pieces of the rocks in the immediate vicinity, to give a ~2kg sample as representative as possible. There was an effort to collect fresh samples to avoid material potentially affected by the loss of Lithium over time.

Where only surface oxidized material was present samples were `cleaned' with a hammer to attempt to retain the freshest material. Each sample was tagged in-field with its unique ID number and placed in its own sealed bag. Lab assays will assess grades of key elements, primarily targeting Lithium, related elements and Rare Earth Elements (REE's).