IT distributor Tech Data has assigned the Reverse Logistics GmbH (RLG) to dispose its electronic scrap and packaging materials. It's the second time RLG successfully participated in the tender. Providing a real one-stop service, RLG's subsidiaries CCR Logistics Systems AG and Vfw GmbH manage the comprehensive return and recycling of electronic scrap, packaging, batteries and lamps.

One-stop reverse logistics

One of Tech Data's key requirements was a comprehensive online platform. This is why the IT distributor went for RLG for the second time after the 2009 contract. "The reporting tools of RLG's CCR Net perfectly match our internal procedures," says Marcel Lenzlinger, Tech Data's regional Finance Director for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. "The online platform allows us to access packing slips for internal audits at any time."

Another convincing key feature for Tech Data: RLG's high quality one-stop reverse logistic processes which provide more than mere pick-up service. Providing one-point-contacts and comprehensive services, RLG enabled Tech Data to simplify internal operations. The IT distributor simply transfers administrative and accounting efforts to CCR and Vfw. "RLG's subsidiaries even report our waste amounts to the Elektro-Altgeräte-Register," says Lenzlinger.

Specialised trade relieved

The renewed contract additionally safeguards Tech Data's distribution partners, since RLG guarantees compliance and Tech Data bears all charges.

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