CYBERDYNE Inc. announced to form a strategic partnership with CellSource Co., Ltd. CellSource is a company that develops regenerative medicine related business such as contract processing of adipose-derived stem cells and blood. The two companies will jointly promote business detailed below. CellSource receives contracts from 550 medical institutions to retrieve their patients' adipose tissue and blood to process stem cells for regenerative medicine.

The Company provides services with its Wearable Cyborg HAL called Neuro HALFIT at 16 Robocare Centers in Japan and users' homes for those experiencing reduced physical functions from aging or diseases. The two companies formed a partnership to combine their strengths to invent new treatment methods for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee caused by aging. Combining regenerative medicine using adipose-derived stem cells and the HAL technology help recovery after treatment, guide natural joint movement, and safely increase muscle mass by distributing the applied load.