The board of directors of Central China Management Company Limited announced that there will be a delay in publication of the company's annual results for the year ended 31 December 2023 (2023 Annual Results) due to the change of auditors, and the process of collecting and collating the necessary information and documents from its subsidiaries as required to complete the auditing process is currently ongoing, hence additional time is required for the Company to prepare the 2023 Annual Results. The Company will work closely with its subsidiaries and the Auditor to provide all requisite information and documents to complete the audit procedures as soon as possible. The expected date of the publication of the 2023 Annual Results will need to be further discussed and determined with the Auditor and will be announced as and when appropriate.

Pursuant to Rule 13.49(1) of the Listing Rules, the Company is required to publish the 2023 Annual Results not later than three months after the end of the financial year (i.e. on or before 31 March 2024). In light of the aforementioned circumstances, it is expected that the Company is unable to publish the 2023 Annual Results on or before 31 March 2024, as required by the Listing Rules.