China Datang Corporation Renewable Power Co., Limited at its EGM, held on 28 December 2023, approved the appointment of Mr. Li Kai and Mr. Wang Fanghong as executive Directors of the Company, with effect from 28
December 2023. Upon due appointment, Mr. Li Kai and Mr. Wang Fanghong will enter into a service contract with the Company, respectively, for a term commencing from the date of their appointment and ending on the expiration of the term of the current session of the Board. Pursuant to the Articles of Association, Mr. Li Kai and Mr. Wang Fanghong are eligible for re-election and reappointment upon the expiry of their term of office. The Board further announces that at the date of the 2023 Third EGM, the Board also passed the resolution on the adjustment to members of the relevant committees under the Board, with effect from 28 December 2023. Details of the adjustment to members of the relevant committees under the Board are set out below: Strategic Committee: Before adjustment: Chairman: Mr. Liu Guangming, Members: Mr. Yu Fengwu and Ms. Zhu Mei, After adjustment: Chairman: Mr. Li Kai
Members: Mr. Wang Fanghong and Mr. Yu Fengwu. Nomination Committee: Before adjustment: Chairman: Mr. Qin Haiyan, Members: Mr. Wang Shaoping and Mr. Lo Mun Lam, Raymond, After adjustment: Chairman: Mr. Li Kai
Members: Mr. Lo Mun Lam, Raymond and Mr. Qin Haiyan, Remuneration and Assessment Committee: Before adjustment: Chairman: Mr. Yu Shunkun, Members: Mr. Liu Quancheng and Mr. Qin Haiyan, After adjustment: Chairman: Mr. Yu Shunkun, and Members: Ms. Zhu Mei and Mr. Qin Haiyan.