China Development Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. approved the appointments of Mr. LI Haijian ("Mr. LI"), Mr. SHANG Wenjiang ("Mr. SHANG") and Mr. LIU Min ("Mr. LIU") as independent non-executive Directors. The Board has considered and approved at its meeting held on 31 October 2022 that Mr. LI, Mr. SHANG and Mr. LIU have been nominated as independent non-executive Director candidates. The appointments of Mr. LI, Mr. SHANG and Mr. LIU shall take effect from the date on which approvals at the 2022 Second Extraordinary General Meeting and from the CBIRC Shenzhen Office are obtained in respect of their qualifications for directorship until the expiry of the term of the second session of the Board.

Mr. LI, Mr. SHANG and Mr. LIU, as independent non-executive Directors, may offer themselves for re-election upon expiry of their terms.