The board of directors of China Uptown Group Company Limited announced that Mr. Lau Sai Chung ("Mr. Lau") has tendered his resignation as an executive director with effect from 10 February 2022. The Board announced that Mr. Fu Lui ("Mr. Fu") has tendered his resignation as the financial controller, company secretary and authorized representative of the Company and all other positions of the Group with effect from 10 February 2022. The Board announced that Mr. Lam Tsz Chung ("Mr. Lam") has been appointed as the company secretary and authorized representative of the Company with effect from 10 February 2022.

Mr. Lam, aged 48, having practised law in Hong Kong for more than 20 years, he is a practising Hong Kong solicitor. Mr. Lam obtained a Bachelor of Laws and a Postgraduate Certificate of Laws from the University of Hong Kong in 1995 and 1996 respectively.