RhoVac AB announced on Sep. 20, 2021, that its clinical phase IIb study of lead drug candidate RV001 in prostate cancer, BRaVac, is deemed fully recruited and that no additional patients will be screened after this week. Top-line results of the study are estimated to be at hand in the first half of 2022. RhoVac started the clinical phase IIb trial (BRaVac) of RV001 in late 2019, targeting prostate cancer patients with a biochemical recurrence (a rise in PSA) after curative intent therapy. In November of 2020, RhoVac was awarded Fast Track Designation by the FDA for RV001 in this cancer indication. The objective of the study is to show that RV001 can significantly prevent or delay disease progression in these patients, something for which no standard therapy is currently available. As planned, an interim safety review was conducted in July 2021 by the Safety Monitoring Committee, and no unexpected adverse events were identified, confirming excellent safety, in concurrence with the previous clinical phase I/II findings.