Cannabics Pharmaceuticals Inc. released the concluding results of its in-vivo study evaluating the efficacy of the company's proprietary drug candidate RCC-33 in prolonging survival rate in mice inoculated with human colorectal cancer cells. Study results indicate a 35% prolonged survival rate in mice exposed to RCC-33 in comparison with sham control mice, as shown by Kaplan-Meier survival curve analysis, P-value = 0.08. The mean survival rate observed in the experimental group was 31 days from treatment initiation vs. 23 days in the control group, reflecting a 35% increase in survival rate in the treatment group. The current results, taken together with previously obtained results of 33% reduction in tumor volume in the RCC-33 exposed group, further support the promising potential role of RCC-33 as part of the treatment armamentarium against colorectal cancer in the future. Company is aiming to schedule a pre-IND meeting with the US Food and Drug Administration by next quarter and start Phase 1/2a trials by beginning of 2022.