To:               Company Announcements                                      
    Date:             24 April 2017                                              
    Company:          F&C UK Real Estate Investments Limited                     

    Subject:                               Director Declaration

    In accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rule 9.6.14, the Company
    advises the following changes to directorships in other publicly quoted
    companies, held by the following members of the Board:

    Mr Andrew Gulliford would like to announce his retirement from the Board of
    Helical PLC effective 25 July 2016.

    All enquiries:

    The Company Secretary
    Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
    Trafalgar Court
    Les Banques
    St Peter Port
    GY1 3QL

    Sam Walden
    Tel:        01481 745323
    Fax:        01481 745186