Cyberfort Software, Inc. announced new features to its recently acquired Just Content App, including the imminent release of its integrated artificial intelligence (AI) solution. The company also reaffirms its intent to explore the development of an enterprise suite. Just Content is an efficacious and multi-functional ad blocking app currently available on Apple iTunes and iOS Appstore. Now calibrated for seamless integration with the new iOS 12 and OS X Mojave, the Just Content App improves upon existing ad-blocking software for mobile and desktop security. Just Content leverages proprietary technologies to help safeguard families and businesses from online threats such as unsafe links, adult content, phishing sites and inflammatory hate speech found on the Internet. The recent upgrades ship with the highest security as default, a smooth onboarding experience and data usage features that provide the best protection for both new and experienced users. Due to breakthroughs such as Google's BERT and Open AI's GPT2, Artificial Intelligence technologies have improved vastly over the last 5 to 6 years. Given these developments, computers are now able to process natural language more proficiently. The Just Content team have been utilizing these advances to create an AI powered spam filter for SMS and MMS, with machine learning models trained on thousands of messages. Currently in the final stage of internal testing, the company is expected to soon release this exciting new feature to the public, with the aim to combat the growing menace of message spam. Further expanding its market reach, Cyberfort is also exploring the development of a preliminary corporate suite, which will be designed specifically for businesses in need of multi-platform solutions beyond their current capabilities.