Daishin Chemical Co.,Ltd. (JASDAQ:4629) signed a basic agreement to acquire Yamasaki Kompo Co., Ltd. from Emiko Yamazaki and Shinichi Yamazaki on March 19, 2020. Emiko Yamazaki holds 195 shares and Shinichi Yamazaki holds 50 shares of Yamasaki Kompo. Acquisition price depends on financial and legal due diligence. Post completion, Yamasaki Kompo will become subsidiary of Daishin Chemical. For the year ending March 2019, Yamasaki Kompo reported net assets of ¥162 million, total assets of ¥319 million, net sales of ¥649 million, operating profit of ¥18 million and net income of ¥6 million. The resolution date for Board of Daishin Chemical is March 19, 2020. The planned conclusion date of share transfer agreement is May 29, 2020 and the planned execution date of share transfer is July 1, 2020. As of June 26, 2020, the execution date of share transfer is October 1, 2020. The effect of the deal on Daishin Chemical's business results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021 is not material.