AziBras Exploração de Petróleo e Gás Ltda signed a binding sheet to acquire 30% stake in Dommo Energia, BS-4 offshore block from Dommo Energia S.A (OTCPK:DMMO.Y) for $63 million on October 17, 2017. Under the terms of the consideration, $33 million will consists of calls plus amounts related to Capex up to first oil and contingent payments of approximately $ 30 million. After the aforementioned transaction is concluded, Dommo Energia will remain with a carried 10% stake in BS-4 Block in the management perspective. The deal is subject to the approval by the creditors of the Settlement and approval of the assignment by the Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis. AziBras Exploração de Petróleo e Gás Ltda. cancelled the acquisition of 30% stake in Dommo Energia, BS-4 offshore block from Dommo Energia S.A. (OTCPK:DMMO.Y) on September 26, 2018. Dommo Energia's compulsory withdraw from BS-4 consortium made by Barra Energia has been declared to be valid and effective in an award issued by tribunal on September 25, 2018. As a consequence thereof, Dommo’s rights, title and beneficial interests in BS4 Block are deemed transferred by the tribunal to Barra Energia and QGEP as from October 11, 2017. As of January 31, 2019, Brazilian antitrust regulator Cade has approved the exclusion of Rio de Janeiro-based Dommo Energía from the consortium that operates the Atlanta and Oliva fields on the BM-S-4 block.