dynaCERT Inc. announced that its dealer, H2 Tek LP (?H2 Tek?), has provided purchase orders to dynaCERT to purchase the Company?s proprietary HydraGEN? Technology. The Company has been advised by H2 Tek that its purchase orders represent a total of one-hundred-and-sixty-one (161) HydraGEN?

Units to be fulfilled in 2023 with staged payments. Such PO?s ordered by H2 Tek are destined for one of its mining customers with operations in South America. These H2 Tek purchase orders of dynaCERT?s HydraGEN?

Technology for its customer follow positive results of several pilot projects as previously announced by dynaCERT, whereby H2 Tek had advised dynaCERT that the Company?s HydraGEN? Technology had been installed at certain mining operations located in Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, and Australia by H2 Tek. These installations were pilot projects to test the numerous benefits and impacts of dynaCERT?s HydraGEN?

Technology on mining equipment with the intent that successful pilot projects can result in the adoption of HydraGEN? Technology to be used for mining equipment and mining fleet applications. Following the completion of such pilot projects, H2 Tek has indicated to dynaCERT that it has reported very compelling results to such mining and resource companies involved in pilot projects which evaluated dynaCERT?s HydraGEN?

Technology, including its customer for these purchase orders.