The board of directors of ETS Group Limited announced that Mr. Phung Nhuong Giang, an independent non-executive director, the chairman of the
remuneration committee, a member of each of the audit committee and the nomination committee of the company, will be re-designated as an executive director of the company with effect from February 1, 2013. Following his re-designation, Mr. Phung will cease to be the chairman of the RC, a member of each of the AC and the NC of the company. Mr. Phung Nhuong Giang, aged 50, was appointed as an INED, a member of the AC and the chairman of the RC of the company on December 21, 2011 and a member of the NC on March 19, 2012. The Board of the company further announced the appointment of Mr. Yung Kai Tai as an INED, the chairman of the RC, a member of each of the AC and the NC of the company in place of Mr. Phung with effect from February 1, 2013.