Gold Bull Resources Corp. reported the success of its field spectrometer analysis at Sandman, located near Winnemucca in Nevada, USA. The Company has validated that the field spectrometer has identified buddingtonite at the Sandman property in association with known gold mineralization.

This confirms the suitability of using a field spectrometer to assist in detecting alteration minerals that may have a close proximity to gold mineralization. Buddingtonite detected at Abel Knoll, Silica Ridge, and North Hill deposits in association with gold mineralization confirming similar mineralogical association of buddingtonite with gold at Sandman to the along strike Sleeper deposit. Buddingtonite was detected from 11m to 222m downhole in the Abel Knoll diatreme breccia.

Moving forward, spectral analysis will be an excellent tool for testing nearology to potential gold mineralization. Additional exploration, utilizing the field spectrometer for new targeting is ongoing. Buddingtonite is an ammonium feldspar mineral that is directly associated with the high-grade gold (& silver) veins at the Sleeper Gold deposit.

The Sleeper deposit is located 23kms north of Sandman and yielded circa 2Moz of gold and 2.3 million ounces of silver during its production years from 1986 to 1996 (figure 3). Buddingtonite is considered an excellent epithermal vein pathfinder for gold mineralization and is found in association with Nevada's gold deposits. Buddingtonite is not easily identified in hand specimen as it does not occur in abundance, nor can it be confirmed by the standard multi-element geochemical analysis due to ammonium content NH4 (buddingtonite mineralogical formula NH4AlSi3O8).

One of the quickest and easiest ways to measure the presence of buddingtonite in a rock sample in the field, is by a field spectrometer unit, which identifies the monoclinic crystal system spectra giving indication that buddingtonite is likely to be found within the rock sample. This gold pathfinder can now be applied to other rock samples at the Sandman project in search of additional gold deposits. Figure 1 shows photographs of where buddingtonite was identified by the field spectrometer in the Abel Knoll diatreme breccia core sample.

Initial test work at Sandman was conducted in May 2023 and confirms the presence of buddingtonite in association to gold mineralization at Abel Knoll, North Hill, and Silica Ridge.