Green Planet Group, Inc. announces that it is formally publishing the independent test results for its hydrogen technology that dramatically reduces pollution and green house related gasses. The independent tests were undertaken by California Environmental Engineering, LLC (CEE), a major EPA-recognized and CARB-Certified emissions laboratory that has been involved in improving air quality and air pollution programs for over 25 years. CEE was established in 1984 and its clients include government agencies such as California Air Resources Board, major automotive manufacturers such as VW, BMW, Nissan, Mitsubishi, and other manufacturers.

CEE has equipment and facilities to test emissions from engines, vehicles, motorcycles, ATV's, trucks, Buses, etc. A 77% reduction in Carbon Monoxide (CO) -- one of contributors to green house gasses; A 57% reduction in Non-Methane Hydro Carbons (NMHC) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), two of the primary components that contributes to smog and damage to ozone layer; as well as a reduction in particulate matters of 52.6%.